5. The Dark Castle

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"wait sir where are you going"

"i saw what i want"

"wait what—no sir we need to—"


i decided to follow him..

oh he was calling someone..

he suddenly rushed to somewhere..

"oh my god why's he so fast..calm down man"


another hospital?

what's he doing here?

i followed him to the emergency room and watched him from afar..

"sorry sir..we tried our best to help him"


"hyung wake up!"

"d-don't leave me alone.."

something's not right..

aren't humans in this situation supposed to cry?

why he's not crying?

i went back to my car..

oh he's out..

i followed him again..

where's he going?

what's he doing?

fuck that is he going to just end his life

no he's not going to do that without me getting him yet

without realising i jumped out of the car and grabbed him

i sighed

"that was drastic you know?"

he looked at me in disbelief and tried to pushed me away. i held him tighter..






he kept on struggling and pushing me..tears started to flow out of his eyes..but he was struggling on holding it in..

"p-please..let me die.."

"d-dont stop me.."


"cry it all out..don't hold it"

and with that he cried out of his lungs..he screamed it all out..his body trembled as he was crying and pushing it.. i hold on onto his neck and watched him crying..i pulled him to my chest..he was soaking up my shirt..

but i don't care..

something made me do this....

he made me do this.....

soon his sobs went down... i felt his grip on me loosened..i looked at him..he gazed on me weakly..before he closed his eyes and fainted..

i managed to hold him tight, i lifted him to my car and drove back to my home..

the dark castle..


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