Proverbs 31:30

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In Proverbs 31:30 we are taught that charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 

It is SO hard to be a woman in this world. If our eyes are green, we are told they should be blue. If our hair is brown, we are told it's supposed to be blonde. We are to be short not tall. Not fat but also not skinny because then we have eating disorders and that's not attractive. Our hair can't be straight or too curly cause then it's 'messy'. If we don't have big boobs and a big butt, then we're 'flat'. And God forbid if we have some weight on our hips and stomach. 

The world will forever tell us that if we don't meet its unrealistic beauty standards, we'll never be beautiful. But guess what? The world doesn't get to have an opinion on our bodies because the world didn't create them, God did.

And if our Lord and Saviour is telling us to focus more on our relationship with Him and how our hearts are, I say we do it:)

For this week I strongly challenge you to ignore the worlds beauty standards, don't get caught up in how your hair looks or how your body appears in the mirror. Spend more time with God and let Him guide you. 

Also let me know how last week's Bible verse affected you and how you used the verse 1 Corinthians 16:14 to change even the smallest part of your life:) 

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