Romans 5:8

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"I loved you at your darkest."

- Romans 5:8

Have you ever felt dirty? I don't mean the dirt that taints your skin, I mean the feeling that your soul is so dirty that no amount of cleansing will ever clean it. This feeling you can't just take a sponge and scrub it away. For me personally, I feel this feeling often. I know deep down I am not a good Christian. I sin every day and sometimes I don't even realize I'm sinning. I don't know how to be a good Christian. I struggle with lust, jealously, gluttony, envy etc. There are days when I can't even look in the mirror because I feel so dirty. I don't know much, but what I do know is that there is a man by the name of Jesus who loves every inch of you. The good and the bad. The broken and shiny parts of you. He loves it ALL.  

There are times when I feel so lost in sin that I can't imagine why God would love me but truthfully, I love Him so deeply that even if He turned His back on me, I would continue to love Him. He has saved me more than I can count and blessed me more than I will ever deserve. 

For this week I strongly challenge you to bring your broken and darkest parts to God. Trust me He is not ashamed of you or scared of your darkest parts. He will NEVER turn His back on you. Bare your fears and desires to God. Allow only Him to heal you.

Also let me know how last week's Bible verse affected you and how you used the verse John 6:35 to change even the smallest part of your life:)

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