To Change An Opinion

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Once again, the Palace infirmary was filled with sounds of pain, though this time they were more agonising as Triton's injuries were much more severe than the last time. It was just his face before, but this time his body was burned, this time there was more surface area to treat as he twisted and writhed in pain. The comforting words from Karnak as he applied the pain relief ointment did little to assuage the wounded Inhuman scout, as did the ointment even with how much had been applied.

Triton's burns had been cleaned and dressed, ranging from second degree to third degree, his torso was coated with blisters and each one felt like cutting knives from just the touch of air. The resources held by the Inhumans may help Triton with his recovery, but it was certain there would be scarring.

"You pushed yourself too soon, Triton, perhaps we should have waited longer before redeploying you to your station" Gorgon spoke remorsefully, a tone emphasised by his gruff voice as he stood with his arms crossed and head bowed. "You were still recovering from your last ordeal" The Inhuman Royal Guard added, Triton wincing and groaning in pain but still trying to speak even though it hurt to do just that.

"My role is the Royal scout; my duties are to observe the world around Attilan and relay any potential threats, I had neglected them long enough" the wounded Inhuman hissed in pain as he spoke, Karnak resorting to tweaking some pressure points to numb as much of the pain as possible but still Triton was in immense pain.

Hearing Triton's words distilled even more feelings of remorse to those around him; he was the Royal scout as he said, his duties were as he described, but that did not mean anyone wanted him to risk his health more than necessary. Going to the human world was dangerous enough, but for Triton to push himself when he was still recovering from the previous attack he suffered..."you still should have waited".

The sound of your voice drew attention to the bed adjacent to Triton's, the bed where you were sat as Crystal was applying the same ointment to your hands as you did burn yourself when trying to put out the flames that engulfed Triton. "You were injured when you went out last; as admirable as it is for you to want to fulfil your duties, it shouldn't be at the cost of your life" you spoke again, looking over at Triton as he looked your way. "Though maybe my opinions don't mean much, you should take time for yourself" you then said before turning back to Crystal.

She had concern etched into her features, for both you and Triton as she looked over at her fellow Inhuman with pained concern at the state he was in but she knew he was in good hands with Karnak. Then Crystal also had an expression of worry for you, worries you assured weren't needed.

"I'm fine, Crystal, my burns aren't that bad; the focus should be in Triton, and then Lockjaw?" You told her as you looked over at the large dog who had recovered rather quickly since his arrival back with Triton. Physically, Lockjaw had only suffered minor burns like you had, burns that were easily tended to. But what concerned you was that nothing else was found to be wrong with him; outside he also seemed to be in great pain, but now he seemed well again, or at least in comparison to Triton.

Moving towards the bed, Lockjaw rested his chin by Triton's arm with a sad whine, similar to the last time he had to pull the scout from a bad situation. And just like last time, Triton expressed his gratitude to the large dog for his quick recovery, adding an apology for Lockjaw's being hurt too.

Saying this led to the question of what happened to Triton; "was it a similar attack as before?" Karnak asked but Triton shook his head, replying that he didn't even see it coming. "I was looking around, seeing if there was anything worth reporting, but then I felt myself doused with something, a liquid, and then...then..." an anguished expression turned back on to Triton's face as he recalled what happened, the memory reigniting the burning sensations of his body.

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