Reunited Again

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Neville then realised they were about ten minutes away from Hogwarts, so he put on his Gryffindor robes and got all of his things together, trying to keep a close eye on Trevor. He liked to be the last one off because he always got anxious that he would be crushed in the crowd of the other students. Neville was always really shy, even around people he knew. Once he thought the train was empty, he walked out of his compartment and had bumped into someone. "Oh! Sorry" he said as he opened his eyes and realised he had bumped into one of his friends. "Hello Neville" Said Luna Lovegood in her lovely sounding voice. A rush of excitement came over Neville, this was his new friend he was excited to spend time with. "Luna! Hi... I didn't see you when I boarded the train, otherwise I would have sat with you." Neville said.
"Oh it's alright. I enjoyed my time by my self with my thoughts... its best to keep a close look out for nargles." Luna said looking up at Neville. They both left the train together.

They both got into the same carriage that would pull them to Hogwarts. "Thestrals are such interesting creatures" Luna said to her self, although Neville was listening. Neville thought to himself what a Thestral could possibly be. "Luna, what's a Thestral?" Neville asked Luna. She looked over at him. "It is whats pulling the carriage off course, you can't see them because you haven't witnessed death." Neville remembered that Luna's mother died, right in front of her eyes... that must have been so traumatic, but Neville's was in the same sort of boat as her. Although his parents were still alive, it was almost like they were dead, there was no light in their eyes, they barely even remembered who Neville was. The last interaction he had with his parents was his mother, Alice, giving him an empty gum wrapper, it wasn't much, but to him, it was as if she had given him the world, the gum wrapper was always in his pocket.

After being lost in thought, the carriage came to a stop, they had arrived at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry. A rush of nerves and excitement came over Neville, excited for his classes but he knew he was about to get bullied again... he always did... every single year he attended the school, mainly by Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. But this time he had a friend who would make him look forward to lunch. He wouldn't have any classes with Luna because she was in a year below him, she would be with Ginny Weasley for classes.

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