Needing to see you

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All day, all Neville wanted to do was see Luna. "Neville! You are not paying attention... again!" Several Snaps said sternly from across the class room. Neville jumped, and looked up at Snape, as if he was the whole time. He opened his book, no idea what page he was meant to be on, but he wasn't thinking about that, all he thought about was Luna.

After class Neville had to make his way to Divinization class. He climbed up the latter and took a comfy seat into a large chair. "Neville dear, when you first day dream, try not to do it again... which you do in fact do" Sybill Trelawney said to Neville. And as Trelawney had mentioned before, Neville was in fact day dreaming, day dreaming about Luna... and seeing her again... hugging her again kissing her again. Neville wanted to kiss Luna again so much, the one they shared the night before was magical and one of the best things he's ever done. Neville had to see her again, and kiss her... he would find her at break.

Lunch came around and Neville had to see her, but then he remembered something she said to him... she was meeting up with Cho. Neville, feeling quite done, had ran into someone. "Oh hello Neville! How have you been?" Ginny asked. Neville was actually quite happy that out of all people (apart from Luna) he ran into Ginny. "Hey Ginny, I'm fine... but actually, can we talk somewhere private?" He asked.
"Yeah, of course. Let's go to the Gryffindor common room, no one really goes there at lunch" Ginny said, as they made their way to the common room. "So Neville, what did you needa talk about?" She asked.
"Well... it's actually something that has just happened..." Neville said, Ginny looking quite excited.
"Ooh Neville! What is it?" She asked.
"Uhh... so me and... Luna..." Neville added. Ginny sat up in her seat, very excited.
"Yeah?! What happened?" Ginny asked. Neville continued.
"Well... she kissed me... last night" Neville said nervously. Ginny was red hot with excitement, as she jumped up in celebration. "Neville OMG! I'm so happy for you!" She yelled loudly, while being super happy. She grabbed Neville's hand, to pull him up to celebrate with her. Neville began laughing, like he's never before, having a great time, dancing and cheering with Ginny. "Sorry! I forgot to ask! How do you feel about it?" She asked him, as they began to settle down.
"I'm super happy about it of course, but it's all can think about... I really want to kiss her again... now" Said Neville.
"Yeah, why wouldn't you" Ginny said. "Why don't you see her now?" She asked.
"I can't, she's with Cho" He replied.
"Oh... well maybe after school, then you too can smog all you want!" Ginny laughed.
"Ginny!" Neville said jokingly.

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