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After the day had past, it was time for dinner. "Hey Neville!" Ginny said loudly as Neville walked into the great hall. Neville sat next to her. "Hey Ginny" said Neville, a little bit confused.
"Neville, I've been seeing things recently and I was just curious... are you and Luna a thing?" Ginny looked over a Neville who was blushing majorly. "Uhh no! We are just friends... and what have you been seeing?"
"You know, you've been around her a lot recently and kinda touchy... like that hug seemed cute" Ginny giggled.
"You saw that!" Neville said worried
"I mean, you did do it right in front of the great hall" said Ginny. Neville blushed so hard that his face went fully red. Does this mean that quite a few other people saw it? "Well I don't see why friends can't hug. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable" Ginny said sighing.
"It's ok..." said Neville looking over at the food that had just appeared in front of their faces.

Once dinner had concluded, Neville decided to head straight up to the Gryffindor common room, he was exhausted after the day he just had, Professor Snape had made them perfect Fire Seed potion. Neville decided to take a seat in his favourite chair in the common room, just to rest for a bit. Neville awoke and looked over at the time, he ended up sleeping for almost two hours. He looked over beside him and saw that Fred Weasley, George Weasley and Ginny were sitting around a table chatting a laughing. "Ahh Neville! Finally woke up eh?"said Fred.
"Yeah you've been asleep for a while" George added. Neville felt embarrassed and buried himself in his seat. "Well we better get off to bed now, big day tomorrow" George and Fred said while walking away. "Good night Neville" Said Ginny as she began to walk away.
"Ginny wait, I need to talk to you..." Neville said in a rush before she left completely. Ginny turned back around. "Yeah what's up?" Said Ginny, as she went to sit in the seat next to Neville.
"I need to get something off my chest, but you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone please" Ginny in twined her pinky finger with his.
"Don't worry, you can trust me" Neville took a deep breath.
"It's about Luna... I've uh... I've got feelings for her..." said Neville looking away.
"Neville, thanks for telling me... and I had a feeling as well" Ginny gasped. "I have an idea! Only if your up to it of coarse" Neville looked confused and shrugged. "What if I made sure you and Luna got a little bit of alone time at Hogsmeade? Maybe you guys could have a little date while we are there?" Ginny said excitedly.
"Uhh I mean I would want that... but I'm worried she won't wanna be alone just with me" Neville said nervously.
"I'm sure she will"

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