Happier than Usual

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That night, all Neville could think about was the hug he shared with Luna, he remembered how warm and cozy he felt. He turned to face the window, where the moon was shining in, and he just smiled, hugging his pillow, when all of a sudden, he heard someone getting up. He pretended to be asleep. "Neville... I know your awake" a soft whisper said in front of his face. "Neville, I wanna talk to you" Neville gave in and opened his eyes and saw Harry sitting next to his bed.
"Harry? Are you ok?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, but I was just curious" Harry replied, still in a quiet whisper. "You seem to be a lot happier than usual, not saying that's a bad thing, it's really good... but did something happen? It's almost like you're on Felix Felicis" Said Harry questioning. Neville blushed, he couldn't tell him he liked Luna and that they hugged... that's too embarrassing.
"Nothing really... I'm uh- just ge-getting really- uh- good marks in... uh- Herbology!" He said in a loud whisper. Harry didn't seem convinced. "Are you sure? I mean, you are always getting good marks in Herbology, you're one of the best here." Neville went red. "Well imma go back to bed, I know it was really random to ask you at the crack of dawn but I was just really curious, good night" Harry laid back in bed.

Next morning came round, and when they were at breakfast, there was an announcement. "Remember that we have our Hogsmeade village excursion tomorrow, anyone who did not return a permission form cannot go" Dumbledore said loudly.
"I assume you can't come, can you?" Hermione asked as she looked over at Harry.
"No... no I can't" He said back annoyed. "Gosh I wish that Dumbledore or Professor McGonagle could sign it"
"Yeah it sucks you can't come Harry, it would be nice with you" Neville said, finally joining in on the conversation, he felt more confident then ever.
"Thanks Neville" Harry said back with a small smile as he looked down at his toast.

After breakfast, Neville was hoping to catch Luna on the way out to talk to her. He waited around till Luna came by, and she stopped in front of him. "Hello Neville" she said with little smile.
"Luna hey, are you going to go to the Hogsmeade trip?" Neville asked. Luna nodded.
"Yeah I am, returned my note just a minute ago" said Luna.
"Yeah me too, uhh anyway, it's gonna be fun I'm sure" said Neville. Luna then again smiled softly.
"Well I better be off. Bye Neville"
"Bye Luna" Neville waved as Luna walked away. Maybe the Hogsmeade excursion could be a way for both Luna and Neville to get closer, just them two... maybe on a date? Neville got excited about that thought.

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