~ 1945 ~

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I was stupid enough to spoil random things but in chapter six ill stop so

Don't look into kagayaku_kasset replies bc I told them too many spoilers imao

Soviet held the gun gunpoint at his past best friend who was leaned against a brick wall, ready to die... It didn't feel right.

But ive dreamed about stabbing him since he betrayed me?

"You stabbed my back. I had all my trust in you, I thought you weren't gonna end up like your father- I should have listened to Weimar." Soviet said, his gut didn't want to kill Third, but for the world, he will.

"Don't bring my brother into this." Third Reich hissed, he hated hearing his brother's name.

"Third, I don't want to kill you. But- I have to if its for the world's safety." Soviet was gonna pull the trigger, but he couldn't. It felt so wrong shooting someone who made you move on- someone who has been with you for a few decades. Even since childhood.

"Wait, before you try shooting me- I have two children I hid from every country but my close friends. East & West Germany... Please take care of them. I handed them over to the Empire of Japan when I realized I was getting pushed out of Soviet territory. Find them before you guys to anything to JE."  Third Reich said in a quick rush, changing his mood quickly. Wait- he had children-? Since when...?

"Thanks for telling me Third. Its news you have children but... I still can't pull the trigger." Soviet sighed.

"Just shoot me Soviet! Goddamit! Don't you wanna be a hero? Just kill me now. I already told you the important information." Third Reich coughed out blood. Soviet didn't want to do this, he just can't.

"I just... I can't pull the trigger, Reich. Why did you even use me? Did you even..." Soviet trailed off. He remembered the first time they met, on the snow of Moscow... 

"Did you even what? You already know there's no tomorrow for me. Its either your shoot me right now or the others will kill me later." Third Reich started to cough violently- the pain on Third Reich just made Soviet wanting to throw the gun away. He's already in too much pain.

I can't just forget how Third killed many of my Soviets. He deserves it. He killed many innocent people, he deserves to die and rot in hell.

"Soviet. Pull the damn trigger. You already know I deserve this. I killed 1/9th of your Soviet population. I killed many more- JUST PULL THE DAMN TRIGGER!" Third Reich shouted, Soviet could see the blood pouring down his mouth.

"I want to tell you something before you go." Soviet said, Third Reich stayed silent, what does Soviet want to tell me?

"Thank you for being there after Alaska. I'll never forget your old self... Farewell old friend." Soviet said.

"I'm glad I helped you after Alaska. Old friends forever..." Third Reich waved Soviet a goodbye as Soviet finally pulled the trigger. 

Soviet stood there crying, staring at his old friend. He did save the world... But it still hurts.

"I'll make sure they will never find you, Reich. But I still can't forgive you for killing millions. You deserve this pain." Soviet dragged the dead body to an unknown location, and buried it there. 

Yes, Third deserves all the pain for killing millions. He doesn't deserve a good life anymore, he would never change if Soviet gave him a second chance.

But at least he's dead, the world is safer... The future is waiting for Soviet, America, Britain, France- if he's somehow still standing... And the other countries that helped the Allies stop Third Reich from conquering the entire Europe... And possibly all the other continents.

"Farewell Third. Your old self meant so much to me... But nothing stays the same. You don't deserve peace but hell. I'll see you when I'm dead." Soviet left the strange area he buried Third Reich at, and returned to Berlin- he had to tell America he killed Third.

"Hello, have you seen America-?" Soviet asked a random American soldier, they nodded and led Soviet to a building.

"America!" Soviet rushed in the room, okay so Britain is also here- and... Is that France?

Damn bitch was still standing after all!

"Yes?" America answered, it looked like he was crying earlier. 

"He's gone... I-I..." Soviet stuttered, he realized how hard it was to tell someone you killed an enemy who used to be your best friend. 

"Who's gone?" America asked, tho the answer was kinda obvious. 

"I killed Third Reich. He's gone now." Soviet finally admitted.

America stared at him, Britain's eyes were wide open.

"You did it..." America let out a breath, its good news Third was dead, but the Empire of Japan wasn't out of the war yet. So she's next.

"But- he also told me about his kids, East and West Germany. They are in Japan right now... We have to get them out of there." Soviet added, getting a nearby blank piece of paper and writing something down to send to their leaders.

"President Truman thought of dropping a A-Bomb to Japan is they refused to surrender. We must tell him to drop it in a location where the German children aren't at..." America informed Soviet.


"Does he usually wait for your arrival- or a word from you before doing something major?" Soviet asked, America nodded. "Good."

"Soviet, I have a question." Britain said, Soviet turned to him. What was it? "Where is Third Reich's body?"

This is just part of a future chapter! What do you think Soviet's response to Britain was?

Fun Fact: This book was inspired by this meme:

QNA: Favorite war?

Mines is the Pig War & the Russian Revolution >:]

-By Olezka :D

Edited: 1/5

Words: 955

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