Chapter Three - The ''Runaway''

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The driver said he's fine with driving 2.5 hours, Moscow to *insert city to GE.* 

So yeah bye fam.

After like 2.5 hours of driving- (fuck time lol I'm using logic cuz I'm fucking lazy/) HEY ITS 1905 DID I MENTION THAT??

Soviet was dropped off to *insert city cuz I'm too lazy to fucking Google it,* he knew what he was doing, and it was gonna get him in massive trouble.

Look I'm doing this because I have no friends to play with in the Russian territory alr?


Wait, where's the German palace?

Oh I'm fucking stupid. I should have stolen one of father's European maps.

Soviet walked through the streets for a bit, he soon found himself in a massive market area so he tried to look for a map.

And guess what? He found a map!!!


But it was 10 bucks- whatever I don't give a shit.

Soviet walked down the streets of Germany and the German people gave him the WEIRDEST LOOKS. Like hello I'm trying to visit a friend? MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

When he got to the palace, it looked quite better than his fathers. 

The German soldiers stopped him in his tracks tho.

"Halt! Who are you?" One of them asked as Soviet stopped walking.

"My name is Soviet Union, I come here to visit my friend Third Reich?" Soviet answered the soldier, it feels weird being unrecognized here but whatever they don't need to know me.

The soldiers whispered something to each other for a couple seconds, one of them entered the palace and then Soviet had to stand there for nine minutes.

Soviet asked to visit Third Reich.


"So, Russian. What are you really here for?" GE asked Soviet, he wasn't giving Soviet any death stares... Just regular eye contact?

"I got bored and since I just met your son, Third Reich yesterday I decided to come over here because I'm fucking lonely at the Russian Empire's place. Plus I don't wanna stare at a wall for seven hours, I don't wanna see that fag and I'd rather stay here for a couple days than go back to my father's palace." [-SOVIET UNION]

The German emperor seemed to think about it, he said something in German to a nearby soldier and that soldier nodded then went back inside the palace.

Honestly this is better than just staring at a wall for seven hours.

Yeah I do that a lot-

Quite oftenly...

The soldier later came back with Third Reich, the German Empire asked Third something in German and Third nodded.

"Alright, you can come in I guess- no funny business tho." The German Empire said, letting Soviet in.

"Check my pockets, I'm not an assassin." Soviet said, a German soldier checked Soviet incase he had something that could kill the second German heir, nope. Nothing at all.

"He's clear." The soldier said to the emperor.

"Okay." That was the end of the conversation.

In TR's Room

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