Chapter Ten - BREAKOUT

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Massive ass summary of the Russian Revolution (first attempt):

 A couple weeks later, there was a peaceful Russian protest lead by Father Gapon, but the soldiers shot fire (Which wasn't a command the Tsar or RE commanded them to do). Soviet wasn't too happy about this, nor the people, and suddenly felt like it was a time to join in the revolution the other people were declaring.. But he didn't, mainly because his father stopped him.

Weeks passed, there were more problems in mother Russia, Soviet thought the revolution would go well as long as there's more problems going, but no. Most of the people didn't agree on the same thing, so there was a weakness between them. One day, Nicholas II agreed to "share" power with the liberals, but he soon changed the law and I don't know how, but he somehow killed a bunch of people when the liberals thought the people wouldn't stand this new law change.

Nicholas II and RE survived the first Russian Revolution, Soviet was a bit furious but he really couldn't do anything. Lenin was in exile with his homies so he didn't have much of a hand, but Soviet did get letters from Lenin.

RE got a new top man called Pyotr Stolypin, who unfortunately had "big ideas" to prevent any more chaos.. This was great for Soviet.

The new top man caused many more deaths with his "new ideas," but the Russian Economy started to improve with Stolypin, which was a problem for Lenin. 

"If the people aren't suffering, we can't have a revolution." Soviet read, I guess Lenin is speaking facts here.

Luckily, Lenin met a Georgian, Stalin. They met in a communist convention in Finland- Soviet soon got to know Stalin as he had had the chance to run out of the palace and meet in a communist meeting.

Lenin found Stalin useful as Stalin was a "good fundraiser" for the Bolsheviks (totally not stealing and other illegal shit lmao I can't-), his crimes got him exiled to Siberia, but he was still useful to Soviet and Lenin.

Things in mother Russia were going well, until the Tsar and Russia met someone...


In 1906, Alexandra (Nicholas II's wife, also his 2nd cousing like wtf bro you gonna have inbred little shits) asked Rasputin to heal her son as he was rumored to have "magical holy mama mia healing powers," Soviet honestly didn't like Rasputin, but he had to deal with it.

Soviet didn't believe Rasputin had healing powers, but he did somehow heal Alexei (Nicholas II and Alexandra's inbred shit), which got Rasputin very close it the royal family..  Which honestly made Soviet extremely uncomfortable, but the Russian Empire was okay with it.

Soviet realized this Rasputin guy was a good thing, because he was freaky and it didn't post a good look on the Tsars. So Soviet sent a letter to Lenin saying:

Dear Lenin, **/**/1906

"I figured this out, Rasputin is a good thing to be happened, he's a freaky wizard man who posts a bad look on the Tsars, so there's a chance we may get a look on revolution if Rasputing causes any damage to the country."

-Soviet Union

There was one problem tho, nobody really complained about Rasputin, and the economy improved which better improved the people's lives..

Until it came to the year 1914, "The Great War...."

Or rather World War I.

Yooo I'm using my totally trustworthy man over here, Oversimplified for this lol

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