Chapter Nine - Return & Rebelling News

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It was the last day I would be staying at Reich's home, because I had to go back to Russia. The people need me to fix this stupid world ahead of me.

"Bye Rice..." Soviet looked back at Third Reich for a moment, looking at each other for a few seconds before the Russian Empire grabbed Soviet on the arm and dragged him out of the German palace.

"Bye Onion." Third Reich said as Soviet faded out of his sight. He looked upset, but I'll see him soon.

As soon as I can...

Soviet and his father finally stepped out of the palace, but there was something off- my father looked a bit weak, but he seemed to be ignoring it. Well then that's just perfect! I'll have a chance for a revolution.

Russia did stay at the palace overnight... what happened when me and the others were playing around?

Hmph. I don't really remember because that dream I had last night was kinda weird and it won't go away.

"Get in the car." RE hissed, ugh whatever I'll just get in.

Even if I don't wanna leave.

Time Skip - The Russian Palace

"Ever since you left, I had to search for you since you are my last republic." Russia said, Soviet rolled his eyes. He knew RE never cared about him but only searched for him and protected him because I'm his last one.

He can't live without a republic in hand, or else that means his land will be invaded by others if he falls without a republic.

They entered the palace, walking through the halls. I know we're headed to the fuckin throne room.

"And when I had to search for you, Nicholas II reported people trying to start a revolution." They suddenly stopped in the middle of the Russian halls.

Lenin didn't tell the communist party to rebel yet.

Or is this by the other people? We could all help- no one likes this stupid empire.

Except the rich- ugh whatever.

"I'm surprised that locked-headed bitch reported something useful." Soviet commented, Russia frowned. They started walking to the throne room now.

"Not like you can do better, your party isn't even participating in this revolution well." 

Oh looks like most of them aren't doing it.

Its the people.

"Oh so you're saying the 'peasants' are rebelling? Thats so funny." Soviet snickered.

Soviet could tell Russia was trying to keep his anger in, he usually lets it out- what a change, I wonder what Germany (German Empire) taught him.

"Catherine, tell the others to stay inside their rooms or just work on the Northeastern part of my palace. I'm gonna have a chat with Soviet." Russia ordered a nearby maid, whose name was Catherine- she nodded and speed walked to the other servants.

Wait what does this shitass mean by "chat? "

Russia waited for the other servants to fully leave, then he looked back at Soviet.

"The people are getting tense, I'm not too sure what Nicholas has done but his changes in rule has made the Russian people upset, I may be stupid because I haven't figured out what it really is but you might know." Russia said, getting on topic.

He sounds like an actual empire acting like a real empire... Uhhh I guess I could tell him?

"One, its obvious- the economy is shitty, your war with Japan has made us broke. They are also mad we lost the damn war. Two, they are starving and we haven't even began to industrialize so we're falling behind the rest of Europe..." Soviet started to explain the main problems that has caused the Russians to start a revolution.

And that was a pretty bad idea..

I forgot Lenin wants to start his own revolution against the reign of the Tsars...

I feel very stupid.

Soviet stopped explaining the problems that has caused the Russian Empire to fail, acting like everything he explained was all.

"Yeah.. uhm- that's it-!" Soviet said, why did I tell father this damn information?!

"Thank you Soviet, I will request a meeting with Tsar Nicholas II this afternoon at noon, feel free to join and do not anger anyone in the royal family if you ever come." Russia formally notified Soviet. 

This is so strange...

"You are dismissed." Russia dismissed Soviet, but Soviet didn't really instantly leave like usual.

I gave my father a confused-weird look, he's acting very weird.

Meh whatever I'm gonna contact Lenin.

Soviet left the throne room, leaving RE behind.

I have to tell Lenin...

I decided to become a shitass and make this chapter a bit short.

plz forgive meh I just came back from a headache 😭

Edited: 0/5

Words: 747

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