Chapter Eight - Literally Expected It

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"Yeah we're stuck..." Third Reich said, kicking the door before he finally gave up.

Great- I mean what do you expect from these two dipshits? I don't know.

They both suddenly heard footsteps, so they both paused- the doors opening!

"SHIT I WISH I DID NOT JUST ENCOUNTER THAT-" Weimar panted as the door swung open. He ran to his bed and covered himself in a pile of blankets.

"What is it?" Soviet asked, rushing to Weimar.

"NOPE." Weimar said, rolling himself until he fell at the right side of the bed- where there was a wall. He surprisingly fit in that small gap.


"Weimar! Tell us!" Third Reich begged, pulling him out of the gap.

"No that shit is traumatizing..." Weimar said, I wonder....

"Tell me or else I'll make sure you encounter whatever it was again." Soviet said, Weimar didn't have a choice since Soviet was pretty good at figuring things out.

Weimar hesitated, he looked at his younger brother- then back at Soviet. He sighed.

"Those stupid idiots went from arguing to freaking..." Weimar started- then he paused. 

Is it that hard-? Wait a damn minute...

"AH FUCK NO." Soviet cursed, RE did not just- SHIT.

I'm so done with life.

"Okay... Let's just all go outside and practice shooting. That's something I need." Soviet calmed down, he lead the way outside- Third Reich was curious on what Weimar encountered but I ain't gonna traumatize him.

✘ German Empire's POV ✘ (When Soviet and TR left the throne room) 

/this part ain't really RExGE- just arguements after a while...

Life really sucks. Especially when it comes to shit you desire.

I watched the two kids leave as the Russian Empire kept complaining about shit. Like just leave the kids alone! Why is he so against Germans? Especially my kids! What have they ever done to you?

I just stared at the complaining empire for six minutes, suddenly remembering every part of him and the sweet spots that'll make him shut the fuck up for once. That was years ago.

And this is why I don't even request any meetings anymore....

I get distracted by those fucking thoughts and I hate it.

"You're bad at listening." The Russian Empire spat, crossing his arms and giving GE a weary look.

"Well apparently you're complaining about shit I don't even care about. Second Soviet only came here because of how bad it is at home and third, I have nothing to do with your damn revolution so don't even try to drag me into it." The German Empire hissed, Russia frowned.

Is this bitch even an empire?

"Whatever.." Russia muttered under his breath, frowning.

Nothing in defense? What did his father even teach him growing up?

Who let loose of this dead-inside "empire?"

I'm not about to lecture this dipshit.

"What did you even learn growing up?" GE harshly asked, now glaring the RE. 

"What ever the fuck we're supposed to learn as empires.." RE mumbled.

GE snickered, who was RE's father again? Oh it was Tsardom Russia. Dipshits.

"You don't know anything. That should've been your damn answer." GE got off his throne and grabbed Russia's arm, holding a grip and dragged him to his room.

Russia doesn't know anything about being an empire, he's older than me! Like the fuck do you mean? This is ridiculous.

"Don't touch me!" RE yelled, trying to get out of GE's grip. It wasn't really easy.

Since I took some battle training growing up..

When they made it to GE's room, GE let go of RE.


"One, an empire should have something to say in defense and not immediately give up." GE said, glaring at RE. The Russian Empire rolled his eyes. "Two, whoever taught you, which I guess is Tsardom Russia, should've taught you something better. You're really only focusing on a damn reputation when you should look back at your economy!" GE shouted.

"You're saying that when you should also be shouting that in front of Kingdom of France's dead self." RE argued, frowning.

Now that's some defense.

"And you're Tsar?" GE questioned, RE paused, not knowing what to say.

GE sighed, he's not leaving just yet.

"Nicholas II wasn't even prepared, so its not my fault the economy is collapsing.." RE tried to defend himself. I mean I guess that's a good reason.

"You're stupid. Falling behind the entirety of fucking Europe- you're literally the biggest country in the world! It's embarrassing that you haven't even thought of industrializing." GE once again grabbed RE and pinned him to the wall, nearly suffocating him.

"Let me go-!" RE yelled, struggling to catch a breath. 

GE swore he saw something in the corner of his eyes- but it vanished a second later. Whatever.

"You're not going anywhere just yet with that strong body of yours. You'll leave when you can't even move a muscle." GE said as coldly as he could. That sent a small shiver down RE's spine.


"WEIMAR!" Third Reich called out to his brother, nearly shooting his brother's arm on accident.

Ah shit...

"WHAT THE FUCK REICH?!" Weimar shouted in fear, did his own little brother nearly just shoot the life out of him?

Well its not my fault! Soviet moved my hand and I accidentally pulled the trigger when I tried to fight him!

"Don't even think about blaming me! You pulled the trigger!" Soviet argued, letting go of Third Reich's left arm. Backing away.

"But you moved my arm dipshit." Third Reich argued back, placing the gun down.

"You still pulled the trigger." Soviet said.

Weimar came up to them, "You two are not about to start a fight. Save that for later!" 

"But-" Third Reich started.

"Not buts!" Weimar cut him off, walking back home.

Third Reich frowned, I guess we should forget about this. I don't want to end our friendship with Soviet over this...

"Let's go!" Third Reich grabbed Soviet's hand and started to drag him back to the palace.

"Never ending dragging, huh?" Soviet asked, Third Reich snickered.

"Ja, endloses Ziehen!" (Yeah, endless dragging!) Third Reich giggled, leaving Soviet confused because he doesn't even understand a speck of German.

"Мне нужен переводчик Райх!" (I need a translator Reich!) Soviet yelled in his own language as well, I don't even know what that means but whatever, we'll just leave each other confused.

I got stuck for like three days- whatever at least I got it done lol ( my original plan was to  just put RE and GE POVs for this chapter but I got a bit bored soooo)/ lol Weimar is dirty minded 

Is there any language you're learning or interested in learning?

I wanna learn Vietnamese :)

Edited: 0/5

Words: 1069

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