30 for 30

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Cliches have always been a favorite of mine. It's a funny combination of a truth with the irony that it's still checking off some box I am not unique to experience. Instead of regrets and things I wish I knew, I'm going to share the things I've learned that helped me get to 30.

1. Drinking water - cliche in a cliche, but wow did I underestimate the benefits of drinking water. Now to figure out when I'm thirsty...

2. Pushing myself when I am exhausted only adds frustration and self shame, so go ahead and take the 30 minute nap. Seriously. Take a nap.

3. Waiting for the ideal moment can mean staying stuck waiting instead of making or seizing it. 

4. Trusting what the body is saying is like dancing. Finding the right balance between following what it is telling me and what I think it's telling me is constantly in flux.

5. Seeking joy and remembering the things in life that are going right is key when life feels like it's crumbling both inside and out in the world.

6. Communication is key.

7. Accommodating myself is not always possible, but it is more possible than not.

8. Being curious about something is one of the best ways to work on things that don't feel comfortable.

9. Running life on autopilot is great to get through but it's so easy to miss out on living life.

10. Repairing relationships is always an option. There must be change with the repair otherwise it's just a never ending cycle.

11.  Take your time, move a little slower. It'll be all done in the end anyways.

12. Turning down love and caring from others when I'm feeling undeserving doesn't mean I AM undeserving of love.

13. Perfectionism is unachievable, leave it be.

14. Taking pictures of special moments really is a lovely experience to go back and reflect on.

15. Cry.

16. Cry some more. No, seriously. It's okay to cry and honestly, we all could use a good cry sesh.

17. True happiness can come from some really really small moments. Embracing them takes just as much learning as it is to seek those small moments.

18. Facebook being off my phone since 2020 has been uh-maze-ing. Highly recommend.

19. Changing the word 'stupid' to 'silly' was the smallest step that led to the best changes in my life (Thanks, Michelle).

20. The universe really be out there planting some wild coincidences, and sometimes listening to them can lead to the best outcomes.

21. Sometimes all someone needs for support is some kindness and listening.

22. Only I can change myself, my actions, and my reactions. What a relief that is, knowing I have more control than may be felt at the moment.

23. Spending time in silence is difficult but rejuvenating.

24. Others don't need to understand what I'm going through to show compassion and try convincing someonemay not be helpful in the long run.

25. People are like any multi-faced die. Some have many sides, some have only a few, but there is always more to someone that what side is being shown.

26. Language really matters.

27. Learning about the nervous system and expanding my understanding of what it means to take care of myself has been revolutionary.

28. Believing I am capable has gotten me through more than 20 year old me thought I could.

29. Talking back to doctors and asserting patient rights feels so powerful in being the decider in my health.

30. Take the opportunity that may never show up again cause there is no guarantee it'll come by again.

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