flow of release

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Allow the waters to flow.
The river does not hold back when the thunderstorm releases the waters made from specks of nothing in the atmosphere.
The landscape knows how to handle the water

It is when humans enter that the water is then dampened.
Ironic that humans feel superior to that of the waters that have existed, when humans too came from originally nothing.
The humans mishandled, misinterpreted.

Dams erected from the stones water once gently caressed.
Soon more than just the waters edge benefits from the flowing wonders, even more when she is overflowing.
The water has been manipulated.

For a time the water flows without concern.
Landscape and man have interwoven with water. She now helps so many, she has been created and lifted higher!
The people crave, and take without regard.

Eventually, as time goes, the water gets low.
The walls of the dam are too high, for eyes cannot grasp how little of those miracle particles of nothing are still left.
The water flow has lessened but is weak.

Concern now comes back to the storms.
Where are the downpours now? When the lands are growing feeble and ill, people become thirsty with the same demands.
The landscape cannot come to balance.

Does the water become the one to blame?
She was once so plentiful, nourishing others and bringing life all around. Her only purpose was to allow others growth.
The water is too low to lift anyone, or carry on herself.

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