Chapter 2-Getting to know you

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Those hazel eyes shine like aragonite. Then I saw that it was a man around the same age as me and Vick. He had brown and blonde hair mixed in. He was really muscular.

"Are you alright" asked the mysterious man

" Uhh, year I'm alright, but thanks for catching me." I told while he helped me stand up.

Victoria was already in her seat.

"Ms. Amara Rosia. Hurry up to your seat. You were late and now you are interrupting our first meeting." said Ceo Smiths

"Ohh, Sorry Ceo Smiths." I said while my cheek became red as a tomato from embarrassment.

I looked down at the floor while walking to my seat. I limped to my seat. I think I sprained my ankle. It hurts so much. I got to my seat and Vick showed me her hand and asked me if I was ok. Vick and I learned sign language. So she asked me in sign language. I showed her that I was ok but it kinda hurt.

" How I said I'm Robert Smiths the manager of SugarFurniture. But all of you guys that are new can call me Ceo Smiths. I wanted everyone to get to know everyone here because you guys would be working together starting tomorrow. So get to know each other. I will get back to all of you guys in about an hour or two, to tell you guys more about your group.

I look into Vick's eye. We both looked at each other for a sec. My ankle was hurting so bad, but I couldn't leave. The room fell silent when Ceo Smiths left. The door slammed shut. We all stood up from our seats. I was limping.

"Are you sure that you are ok" Vick whispered to me

"I'm ok Vick don't worry, I just think I sprained my ankle but I should head to the hospital after this. Let's get to know some people." I said to Vicky while I tried to put my right feet down. I placed it down on the carpet floor. I whimpered in pain.

" What if we go around the square table and say our name and three facts about each other." said a woman that was pregnant but she didn't look any older than me and Vick.

"Alright" everyone said in unison

"Ok I'll go first since I was the one that mentioned it. I'm Sofia Molten, I am 24 years old, I'm married, I already have a child and one on the way" said Sofia with an excited expression.

Then Sofia pointed to her right that it was me.

"Uhh, I'm Amara Rosia, I am 22 years old, I don't have a mom, I only have an older sister and I live with my best friend Victoria." I told them I was a bit nervous because I feel like an outcast whenever I have to share that I don't have a family just a older sister. Then the person to right went that was Vick.

" Hi my name is Victoria Langley, I am also 22 years old. I have 5 siblings, I live with my bestie Amara, and I have a pet bunny." said Victoria while smiling at me.
Then the person to her right went.

"I'm Chase Wodall. I am 23 years old, for a while I was an orthopedic doctor assistant, and I have a younger sister." said Chase while looking at the person next to him.

" Hi I am Noah Anderson, I'm also 23 years old, I have 3 siblings, I worked for a while as an orthopedic doctor but quitted because my dream job was to become an interior designer." said Noah while looking down at the floor.

"Hello I am Mila Cabbachy, I am 24 years old, I am married and have 3 children." said Mila really quickly.

" My name is James Gonacha, I'm an only child and 25 years old, I live with my wife." said James with a big smile.

"I am Bailey Molly. I am 24 years old, I have a little sister, and I live with my parents." Bailey said embarrassed.

"I am Caleb Mike , I am 26 years old, and am only interested in hot chicks. Mostly if they dress in tight closing." said Caleb while looking at my boobs and at Vicky's ass.

Why does everyone have to be such perverts? But then while Caleb was staring at Vicky's ass Chase stood right in front of her.

" Stop staring at her you pervert." said Chase said with a hostile expression.

" Ok no need to be too aggressive " Caleb throws his arms in the air to prove his innocence.

" Uhh, My name is Lilly and I am 23 years old and I love hot boys, I am single and ready to mingle you know." said Lilly while winking at Noah.

Noah just looked disgusted.After he walked towards me.

"Uhh your name is Amara right?" he asked while lifting his brow up

"Yeah" I told Noah

"Then Amara it seems that you twisted your ankle and you are limping. I can help you if you want? As I said I did work as a orthopedic doctor for a while so I could help" said Noah

" Yeah please, it hurts really bad, thank you" I told while flashing him with my pearly white.

Then he persuaded me to let me sit in a chair and bandaged my ankle. It was feeling really good and hurted less.
"You are alright now. How does it feel?" said Noah with a smile.

" Good thanks " I went to stand up and tripped over my own feet falling over Noah. Noah bumped into the table with me on him. Then my lips touched something. When I open my eyes I saw that my lips were on Noah's lips.

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