Chapter 5- Test

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When I looked at the pregnancy tests. I was in disbelief. I can't, I couldn't be pregnant. How? I'm sure he said that he was wearing a condom. What am I going to do.

I broke down. My knees felt weak, they felt numb, I just dropped on the tile floor. I started to sob so loudly. I can't be pregnant I have a whole future ahead of me. How? I started to cry harder. I had to put my hand over my mouth so that Vick wouldn't hear me. But some how she did. I heard foot steps coming to the door.

"Amara are you ok" Vick said with concern in her voice.

"Ye-" I couldn't continue. It felt like there was a rock in my throat. I only started to sob harder.

I started to scratch my arm with my fingers nails. It started to feel something cold on my finger. When I looked at where I was scratching there was big wound that was dripping blood but for some reason I didn't feel pain, I was too stressed out that I couldn't feel it.

I would suffer from self-harm but stopped a while back after seeking help for it. This was the first time in a while that I did it. I started to scratch my calf.

"I'm coming in. I don't care if you say no." Vicky said while barging in.

"No" I said quickly but she was already in and looking at my bleeding arm and calf that had big wounds.

She then looked at my red puffy teary eyes. I started to sob even harder. She ran over to me and put her arm around me.

" What's wrong Amara " Vick asked with a frown

"I, I, I" trembled my voice. I still couldn't talk.

I just pointed to the bathroom countertop, where the pregnancy tests where. I sobbed harder when Vicky was about to see them.

"Are these yours Amara? " Vick asked with her mouth wide open.

I only nodded. I still couldn't talk. I started to scratch my other arm but Vick grabbed my hand before a wound could form. I sobbed harder when she hugged me.

" Ohh Amara. Everything's going to be ok. Vick said with a low tone.

Victoria Pov*

I was sitting on the couch with the worst period cramps ever. After I asked Amara for a pad or tampon, she got me one and rushed out of the house. I don't know what's wrong with her. But she's been throwing up since a few days ago but she might have caught a stomach bug. My ankle hurts a lot. But Chase was very nice and helped me back home after I twisted it.

He brought me home and was so nice. He even carried me bridal style such a sweetheart. We have been going on more dates. Yesterday I twisted my ankle because I was talking to Chase about our project we got paired up. Because Ceo Smith's paired us up so every girl was paired up with a boy.

I got Chase but Ceo Smith didn't give all the pairs yet. We got paired up to do a office for our first project. I know two month passed and we didn't do anything. But we did we were going over some basics and some tips. We were also learning about our positions and company rules. But now it's our first time during a big project.

So yesterday I was sketching some ideas and then Caleb came over and slapped my ass. So I went to move away and then Caleb placed his hands on both sides of the table trapping me from going anywhere and I went to try and get his arm away from me and twisted my ankle and fell to the ground. Chase came back after getting the water I asked and found me on the ground.

He slapped Caleb across the face and he tumble to the ground. He helped me sit on a chair and then warned Caleb if he ever touched me again he would do worser than just a slap. So he helped me get home. So I took the day off.

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