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I watch as the head of the man falls to the ground, fear etched into his cold dead eyes and not long after, his body slowly falls to its knees before it collapses to the ground. "Behind you," Vlad says, his voice crackling in my ears from the earpiece.

I find pleasure in killing and torturing people but recently I've found a different kind of pleasure in stalking Petra. I've never stalked a woman outside of work before and the more I think about it the more I accept that I have a fucking problem. An addiction that I wholeheartedly accepted.

Last night I nearly gave into my primal instinct and took her right then and there on the grounds of that forest and only she could've talked me out of it. What if she was mute? Fuck I would've done something so unforgivable. 

I grunt at the thought of nearly hurting her before twisting my body precisely, chopping off the hand that clutches a gun in its hand aimed at me. I'm hoping to wrap this little fun up because tonight I've been craving something and that gnawing feeling that I've been thinking about hasn't left me since last night.

The man screams as he watches his life essence spew from his arm, his other hand applying pressure around it in hopes of stopping the bleeding, but that won't save him. I slowly saunter towards him, his blood showering me as he backs away in dread before he's backed into a corner like the rat he is. "No, get back, don't come any closer!" his pleas fall on deaf ears as I point my machete inches from his eyes.

"You know who I am yes?" I ask him, watching him nod, "Then you know who I'm looking for?"

"I-I do," he answers quickly, nearly biting off his tongue. After Vlad came back to Russia, he came with instructions from Kathy.

I was always going to return home but I'd have to take on Elias's job and be a hit man while I'm at it. So here I am searching for someone all the while cutting down the overgrown weeds in this country trying to find him. I'm not much of a bounty hunter, I can't not kill someone I know should be dead. It's unbecoming of what I do best.

But as per orders from the boss herself, I have to find the guy and bring his ass back to Germany alive which means, I'll be leaving this country sooner than I anticipated.

"Who he is?" I ask him, my patience almost thining. He hesitates for a second, realizing his fear of what is to come if he does tell me the name of the man I'm hunting down, "Time's wasting friend."

"Sasha," he outs as I cock a brow, "I don't know his legal name, but you can't miss the guy once you start looking for him. All I know about him is that he's marrying a girl in the high society a girl named Anna. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a beauty mark on her lower lip," he grunts. That's practically 90% of the female population in Russia.

"You got that?" I ask Vlad, "Yeah, Lucian's searching him up now."

"Are you going to let me go?" he asks, blood still leaking from his open wound. I slightly chuckle before telling him, "Hatte nicht vor."

"Did not intend to."

Before he can even blink, I push the blade of the machete through his eyes, pushing it till it hits the wall he backed himself into. The sound of my blade slicing through his flesh brings a sort of short-lived comfort.

Stepping back, I withdraw the machete, watch his lifeless body slump to the ground in his pool of blood, and turn towards the door, "Send some guys to clean this up. I have somewhere I need to be," I tell Vlad hearing him beginning to protest before I pop the earpiece from my ears.

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐩'𝐬 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 | +𝟏𝟖Where stories live. Discover now