Ultimatum Chapter 15

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Becca, Fat Amy, and Daisy arrived at Chloe and Aubrey's apartment, feeling a mix of nervousness and determination. Chloe greeted them warmly, her smile genuine and welcoming, but Aubrey's expression was more guarded, her demeanor tense."What do you guys want?" Aubrey asked sharply, her tone making it clear that she was not in the mood for pleasantries.Becca took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. "We want you to let Daisy be in the Bellas again," she said firmly. "Her mother is an alumni, and she has a great voice. Aubrey, we need her. And besides, she didn't even break any rules. You know that Benji isn't even a Treble."Aubrey's expression hardened, and she crossed her arms over her chest defensively. "Technically, you are correct," she conceded begrudgingly. "Benji isn't a Treble, but he auditioned for them, and he shares his room with Jesse, another Treble. And Becca, before you say anything, I know that you have a crush on Jesse. You're on pretty thin ice."Chloe intervened, sensing the tension in the room. "Let's discuss this next door," she suggested gently, placing a comforting hand on Aubrey's arm.The group adjourned to the next room, where they engaged in a tense discussion that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. When Chloe and Aubrey finally returned, Chloe's expression was neutral, but Aubrey looked visibly annoyed."Well, fine," Aubrey conceded grudgingly. "You can stay a Bella. But since you still came late to practice and slept at the dorm of a Treble not only once but twice, you will have to make a few changes."Daisy furrowed her brow in confusion. "Changes about what?" she asked, uncertain of what Aubrey was referring to.Aubrey's lips pressed together in a thin line as she outlined her demands. "Your appearance," she said bluntly. "Your hair—change the color to something natural. Your piercings—take them out. Your fair skin—put some tan on it. And finally, no more seeing Benji or any other people close to the Treblemakers."Daisy's heart sank at Aubrey's ultimatum, feeling a mixture of disappointment and frustration. She had hoped for a second chance with the Bellas, but she hadn't anticipated the extent of the changes Aubrey would demand. It seemed that being a Bella would come with more strings attached than she had bargained for.

As Aubrey laid out her demands for Daisy's return to the Bellas, Daisy felt a knot form in her stomach. The weight of Aubrey's expectations bore down on her, and she struggled to find the right words to respond. "Those are... quite a lot of changes," Daisy finally managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. She glanced over at Becca and Fat Amy, hoping for some support, but they remained silent, their expressions unreadable.Aubrey's gaze was steely as she responded. "These changes are necessary if you want to remain a part of the Bellas," she stated firmly. "We have standards to uphold, and we can't have any distractions or deviations from our image."Daisy's heart sank further at Aubrey's words. She had hoped for acceptance and understanding, but instead, she was met with rigid expectations and conformity. The weight of Aubrey's disapproval felt suffocating, and Daisy found it hard to breathe under the pressure.Chloe, sensing the tension in the room, spoke up in a softer tone. "Aubrey, maybe we could reconsider some of these demands," she suggested gently. "Daisy is a valuable member of the group, and we don't want to lose her over minor issues."Aubrey's expression softened slightly, but her resolve remained firm. "I understand your concerns, Chloe, but we can't afford to make exceptions," she replied, her tone unwavering. "The Bellas have a reputation to uphold, and we can't risk tarnishing it for anyone."Daisy felt a surge of frustration and disappointment welling up inside her. She had hoped for a chance to belong, to find a place where she could be herself without judgment. But it seemed that the Bellas' expectations were too high, their standards too rigid to accommodate her.With a heavy heart, Daisy nodded silently, knowing that she had little choice but to accept Aubrey's terms if she wanted to remain a part of the group. But deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was sacrificing a part of herself in the process.

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