Radio Station

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Benji's POV:

The anger inside me burned hotter than ever as I replayed Daisy's message over and over in my mind. How could she do this to me? After everything we shared, after all the promises we made to each other, she had chosen the Bellas over me.

But deep down, beneath the anger and betrayal, there was still a flicker of disbelief. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Daisy would willingly give up our relationship for the sake of fitting in with the Bellas. It didn't make sense, and yet there it was, staring me in the face.

I wanted to confront her, to demand answers and make her see how much she had hurt me. But something held me back, a voice of reason that warned me it was pointless. Daisy had made her choice, and no amount of arguing or pleading would change that.

Instead, I turned to Jesse, my ever-faithful friend who had always been there for me. He suggested we go to the campus radio station where he worked, hoping to distract me from my thoughts with something new and exciting.

At first, I resisted, unwilling to let go of the anger and pain that consumed me. But eventually, I relented, realizing that I needed to find a way to move forward, even if it meant leaving Daisy behind.

So together, Jesse and I made our way to the radio station, where I hoped to find some semblance of peace in the chaos of my shattered heart.

As Jesse and I sorted through old vinyls and CDs at the campus radio station, my mind still lingered on Daisy, despite my efforts to distract myself. To make matters worse, Becca, Daisy's friend and a fellow Barden Bella, was there with us.

It was awkward being around Becca, knowing that she was close to Daisy and probably had insight into why she had made the decision to end things with me. But Becca seemed distant, her attention focused more on her work and less on engaging with Jesse, who was clearly trying to flirt with her.

I couldn't help but notice the change in dynamics between Jesse and Becca. A few weeks ago, they had seemed to have a good rapport, but now Becca was cold towards Jesse, brushing off his attempts at charm.

As our shift came to an end, I overheard Becca talking to the boss, mentioning that the Barden Bellas had a gig scheduled for Saturday and that she wouldn't be able to work that day. 

Jesse and I exchanged a meaningful glance as Becca mentioned the gig. We both knew what we had to do — we had to be there. I wanted to show Daisy that despite everything, I still cared about her.

As we left the radio station, the determination to attend the Barden Bellas' gig burned within me. I couldn't let Daisy go without a fight. Even if she had chosen the Bellas over me, I couldn't ignore the feelings I still had for her.

Jesse and I made plans to attend the gig together. Despite the uncertainty and pain in my heart, I knew that being there would give me a chance to see Daisy again, even if it was from a distance. Perhaps seeing her perform would bring me some closure, or maybe it would reignite the spark between us. Either way, I was willing to take the risk.

As the day of the gig approached, my anticipation grew. I couldn't shake the feeling that this would be a turning point, not just for me and Daisy, but for our futures as well. And I was determined to make the most of whatever opportunity presented itself at the concert.

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