Chapter 20

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*A Sunday shortie for you lovely people! Comments and votes are appreciated! Let's get this story to 400!! Much love xxxx*

*The next day*

Sophie and Happy were sitting in her room when Tara came in with a smile that Sophie returned.

"You want to go see your son?" Tara asked.

Sophie immediately started to tear up. She didn't think she'd be able to so soon. "How'd you pull that off doc?" She asked.

"He's in very good condition, and you're healing remarkably well. I think it'd do you both some good," Tara told her as a nurse brought a wheelchair in.

"I'd rather walk," she said but noticed Happy beginning to say something. "I can do it," she told him,"I'll hold onto your arm." He nodded and stood up to help her up. They followed Tara slowly although Sophie would have ran if she could have. Her excitement was at an all time high as they arrived outside of his door.

Tara turned towards them,"I just wanna warn you, Soph. He's hooked up to a lot of monitors, but he's okay. You guys can't hold him just yet due to his head needing some more time to heal."

Sophie nodded as Tara opened the door and let them in. Happy sat Sophie down in the rocking chair next to Finn. "Oh he looks like you, Hap, so much," Sophie said, noticing his dark skin and Happy's facial features.

Sophie put her hand through and rested it on Finn's chest,"You're doing so good baby. You're strong just like your daddy too."

"I have some information for you guys," Tara began as Happy looked at her. "With this type of surgery on a child of his size and age, we usually like to keep them for a couple of weeks. He was four weeks premature so for his safety, we would like to keep him here until your original due date at least. During that time, there will be scans completed and tests ran to make sure his brain is functioning correctly."

"He's okay though right?" Sophie asked, still admiring her son.

Tara smiled,"Yeah Soph, he's great actually. You guys should be able to hold him by the end of this week." After hugging Sophie, Tara left them alone.

"What's wrong Happy?" Sophie asked as she noticed him looking down.

"Nothin'. I'm just tryin' ta figure this shit out. That's my son, fuck I'm a dad," he said, looking at Finn.

Sophie giggled," Yeah, you're a dad, and you're going to be a damn good one too."

Happy looked at her before grabbing her face and kissing her. When they broke apart, he placed his forehead on hers," I love you, Soph."

She smiled," I love you too."

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