Forbidden Wings Teaser

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Astra looked at his lover in contempt. How did an angel ever fall utterly in love with a demon? "Darling?" The angel looked at the mesmerising creature sitting next to him. Her long black curls fell in waves down her shoulders and her dark eyes shone like shining black diamonds. "Yes, my calla?" His soft smile faded once he saw how rigid her back was and her brows were etched in worry. "My love I have worrying news..." Astra held his lover's hands in his and kissed the palm of her hand gently. "Whatever it is I know we can get through it together."

"Astra I'm pregnant."

The angel's eyes widened in shock and he spang up to his feet. "Atlanta what do you mean you're pregnant, that is impossible!" Atlanta stood with her head hung low, with tears threatening to escape. 'Oh, how my past self would have laughed at his sight. A demon crying and loving.' Her thoughts were swept away as a finger lifted her chin and hands cupped her face. "My calla...this is wonderful news." He gently kissed her nose. Tears now freely flowed down her rosy cheeks, "I thought you would be disgusted at the idea, at the thought that a filthy demon like myself defiled your pure seed." She looked into his beautiful bright turquoise eyes expecting to see disgust but all that shone was brilliance. "Atlanta Lykios, I don't think, even for a second, that you are filthy or impure. I am ecstatic that this is even possible!" He swept her off her feet in a second and twirled her around laughing with joy. This happiness would not last long, as much as they wished, this baby would be born a forbidden sin.

And they would be punished severely at the time of his birth. The birth of the first of his kind. A creature born half demon and half angel. Would he be killed? Which side of his nature would he choose? Would he discard his true identity? Or would he reign supreme?

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