Chapter 5 » Who's the pet now?

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Charlie slowly wakes up and opens his eyes.

He is laying in a.. pet bed?? And he looks around the room.

The last thing he remembers is the cats attacking him and dragging him away (totally normal situation).

He sits up, still feeling disoriented. WHAT IN THE WORLD JUST HAPPEND?????

Charlie decides to look around and try to find out where he is right now. His back hurts and his face is burning from all the scratches.

He notices that he's wearing a COLLAR. What does all this even mean?

He takes of the collar and opens the door to go out of the room.

As he opens the door, he is confronted with an even more surreal sight than what he has already seen today.

Everything in the house is small and cute. A small kitchen. Small tables. And small sofas.

Charlie immediately realizes that this house was designed specifically for cats. As he takes in the environment, he can't help but feel incredibly confused. Why are all the furniture and items sized for cats?

And then suddenly, the entrance door opens.

A cat walks in while it whistles a song.
And then it stops.
And slowly turns around...

"..Where is your collar?"

The cat says in a threatening tone.

The. cat. says.

"I...I took it off..."

Charlie's voice trembles a little as he says this. He can't help but feel intimidated by the cat's tone.

It becomes clear that the cat is very upset by the fact that he removed his collar.

"Put it back on, NOW!"

It hisses, getting a little closer to him with each word.

"N- NO!? WHY???? I'M NOT A-!"

Mid sentence, the cats jumps on his leg biting and scratching it. ☺️


Charlie screams and eventually kicks the cat towards the wall.

It makes a weird sound and then just lays motionless on the ground.

Charlie looks at the cat with his mouth open- DID HE JUST KILL THE CAT????

He gets closer to the cat to see if it's still alive. It doesn't move at all.

He just looks at the cat with wide eyes. He feels kinda bad now-

Charlie picks up the cat to check its breath. It seems to struggle.

What is Charlie supposed to do now? He's more confused than ever before.

"I'm not a bad human.. right?"

He says to himself. Then he tries to save the cat somehow.

The cat starts breathing normal again, and Charlie feels innocent enough to leave the house now. So he does.

He runs out the tiny silly house, only to see a tiny silly city, with tiny silly cars and tiny silly buildings. Did I mention that everything is tiny and silly?

He's even more confused now. And to add to that, cats are EVERYWHERE.

And as he stares a little longer, he sees a human on a leash with a cat walking him...

Charlie's jaw drops. Where in the world did he end up?

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