Chapter 11 » A terrible mistake

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They find themselves in a Industrial hallway.

"Now, be very very very very quiet-"

"Bro we GET IT."

Charlie interrupts Theodore, just like the last time they had this conversation.

Sean leads them through this eerie looking place.

Then he points to a vent.

"Oh, well. I made Among Us songs. I know how this works."

Charles said proud.

"...You made... Among Us songs...?"

"And I've built a living on it."

He says even prouder and with an evil grin.

Theodore shakes his head. Sean's eyebrows drop.

Then he opens the vent.

"Follow me. BUT BE QUIET-"

"I literally can't hear it anymore. WE GET IT."

Charlie says, frustrated.

One by one, they all follow Sean through the vent.

After about 5 minutes, Sean kicks open another vent.

"Take out your weapons now."

Sean looks at the group, especially at Charlie.

He probably doesn't trust Charlie that much.

The group opens thier backpacks and take out thier weapons.

Charlie is quite confused, but he does the same.

Sean nods, and then he enters the room attached to the vent.

Charlie is very confused. He looks at Theodore, since that's the only person he actually kind of knows.

"Hey- Theo, why are the vents here so big..?"

"They are a shortcuts to secret rooms."

Sean replies to the question that Charlie asked Theodore.


Charlie says, a little annoyed.

They all sneak behind Sean, not knowing what they are about to witness.

Sean is about to open one more door, but before that, he says:

"Theodore, you walk next to me and make sure that no cat attacks me. Gabriel, you do the same. Zack, you go behind me and do the same. Everyone that's left, attack the cats. Oh- and.. Charles.. just hide between us."

"Wha- Why can't- nevermind."

Charlie is a little upset. Sean really doesn't like him..

Sean nods, and then he opens one last door...

A bright, big, Industrial room is behind it.

In the center is what seems to be the unactivated portal.

There are cats in robot suits, that make them as big as an average male.


Charlie screams as he sees this chaotic mess.


Sean screams.

The group does what Sean told them to earlier.

Charles is flabbergasted. He's looking around extremely confused.

Theodore, Gabriel and Zack defend Sean, while he's trying to activate the portal.

Cats in robot suits with lasers and swords... What on earth is this place?

As Sean is near the portal, a cat suddenly shoots him in the hips, causing him to fall to the ground.

The others are too busy defending themselves to notice.

Charlie wasn't supposed to do anything, but he can't just stand around with nothing to help Sean!

He runs toward him, determined to do something!

Sean gasps out,

"Go back! I can handle this, just..."

"I'm NOT a child! I know what I'm doing!"

Charlie's eyes land on the little keyboard controlling the portal frame. Sean had begun to destroy it, so Charlie continues on.


Sean managed to yell out, but it's already too late. Charlie completely rips the little keyboard out of the frame.

As Sean struggles to stay conscious, Charlie notices a button inside the portal frame that promises


He presses it several times, growing more and more anxious as nothing happens.

Suddenly, the portal frame explodes, and Sean, Charlie, and everyone else near the portal frame is launched to the other side of the room due to the explosion's force.

The portal is destroyed, and the crowd of people react in different ways.

Some fall to their knees, some cry, some scream, while Charlie remains confused and bleeding from a head injury he sustained during the explosion.

Sean, on the other hand, looks even worse than Charlie, as if he barely survived. Or... did he?

"What-... What just happened?"

Charlie looks over at Theodore, who can do nothing but stare at the destroyed portal frame, shocked.

"I- I don't know. What did Sean do wrong?"

Theo is overwhelmed with emotion, and tears start to stream down his face.

"How... How did this... I-"

He starts to cry himself, unable to continue.

'What did Sean do wrong?'... Charles thinks to himself.

He knows that this is his fault. But... If he tells them, they'll hate him... They won't take him with them to the real world... If that's even still possible now.


Someone from the back cries out in a panic.

A couple people run toward the unconscious Sean, who appears to no longer be breathing.

Charlie feels hopeless, feeling like he ruined everything, thinking Sean might be dead now because of his actions.

All of this was for nothing.

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