Chapter 12 » A solution

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Charlie slowly started to panic. Is Sean actually dead because of him?

Before he even got the chance to say anything, a mass of cats stormed into the room armed to the teeth.

"GET THEM!!", shouted one cat.

Charlie quickly hid under a piece of ceiling that fell down during the explosion.

The cats weren't out for blood, fortunately, but that didn't stop them from doing the next worst thing.

As Charlie watched, it became clear that the felines had no intention of letting the other humans walk away free.

As the cats marched off with the group, Charlie tried to make sense of everything that had just happened.

He couldn't help but blame himself for what had gone wrong, feeling like he had ruined everything.

But now, he had even bigger problems to worry about.

Would the cats harm the humans? Would he ever make it home? What should he do next? So many questions, so little time.

Charlie knew there was one thing he had to do first, and that was to figure out how to save his friends before it was too late.

As Charlie looked around, he saw evidence of the chaos that had just unfolded before his eyes.

Broken water guns from the humans littered the ground, alongside pieces of cat armor.

He started picking up some of the trash, hoping it would inspire an idea that could save the rest of his friends.

As he walked toward the vent they had entered the building by, he thought about the best way to help the others.

How could he use the resources available to him to save them before it was too late?

After a moment of consideration, Charlie came up with an idea.

He quickly left the building. It was already well into the night, but Charlie didn't let time stop him from taking action.

As he set forth with a purpose, he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency, knowing that he needed to act fast if he wanted to help his friends and get them all home safely.

With a sudden burst of motivation, Charlie rushed back to Barbara's house. Knowing that time was of the essence, he didn't bother to use the front door. Instead, he climbed in through an open window.

Once inside, he swiftly ran into the secret room, eager to carry out the plan he had come up with.

He quickly placed the trash pieces on the table and started sifting through them for anything he could use as a resource.

After about two hours of hard work, he had managed to cobble together some new armor and weapons. Although they were far from perfect, they were certainly better than what he had before.

With his newly crafted equipment in hand, he rushed back out, intent on continuing the mission he had set for himself.

No matter what, he had to figure this out. There was no way he was going to let this end like this — not when his friends' lives were on the line. He had to fight back, or else it would all be over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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