Chapter 9 » The Purr-fect Escape

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Theodore screams out, excitement filling his voice.

Sean looks exhausted from his journey, but despite his weariness, he still has a smile on his face.

He waves to Theodore from the doorway, though it seems like he is struggling to keep standing.

"It's good to see you, guys!"

he says, still smiling. His relief at being home is clear.

"Woah, dude, what happened to you??"

Charlie can see the exhaustion and lack of sleep on Sean's face, and he is shocked.

"I haven't slept for two nights, but it paid off! The portal room is exactly where we thought it was."

Excitement bursts through the room as everyone cheers at Sean's news.

"That- That's amazing! We have to leave! Pack your bags, guys!!"

Theodore yells out, his enthusiasm palpable.

And just like that, the mood shifts, everyone's spirits sky high as it becomes clear that they can escape from this place and return home!

About 20 minutes later, the group waits for Barbara to go to bed.

Charlie and his new friends are all packed up, ready to leave at anytime. It seems the long hours of waiting and preparation are finally paying off. Their nerves are running high; they cannot wait to escape this terrible place and get home!

As soon as they hear the sound of the bedroom door closing, they slowly start skulking towards the main entrance.

Charlie watches the door carefully, afraid that Barbara might come back out, even just for a second.

Theodore, on the other hand, heads straight for the exit, keeping alert for any sudden changes in their situation..

Everything seems to be going smoothly - until the bedroom door suddenly swings open.


Charlie whispers urgently, tapping on Theodore's shoulder multiple times.

"Back up."

Theodore whispers.

Everyone scrambles back from the door as far as possible, going on all fours and trying to get away as quickly as possible.

"Awhhhh! Are you guys playing a game? How lovely. Please keep it down, though - Mama is trying to sleep here."

Barbara speaks in a somewhat friendly, but slightly angry voice.

She is aware of her authority, and she expects everyone else to obey her even when she speaks in a "soft" tone.

"Good night, sweethearts."

And then she goes back to bed.

Everyone lets out a sigh of relief. That was REALLYYY close.

They all go into the direction of the main entrance again, but even slower this time.

Theodore slowly opens the door with the keys that Sean stole earlier...

And they all slowly leave the house.

A cold breeze rushes through thier hair. Some of them haven't seen the outside in years!

Everybody enjoys the moment for a minute, until Theodore tells them to go on.

It's a beautiful spring evening! Everything is tiny and silly.

They slowly leave the path the house led to, going straight back into New Catlanta.

The billboards shine bright and the cat cars are driving across the street.

Charlie and the others have to be careful though.

If they get caught, all of this was for nothing.

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