Chapter 7 » The Purr-fect Plan

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Behind the door is a medium large room. In the center of the room is a round table. All the people are sitting down at it, and Theodore looks at Charlie.

"Look at this, Charles."

Theodore points at a big piece of paper.

"Oh- what's this?"

Charlie asks, confused.

"Oh, sorry. That's not all."

Theodore begins unfolding the paper, making it EVEN LARGER as he goes.

"Okay, now look at this."

Theodore says.

Charlie steps closer. On the table is a massive, detailed plan.

"That- that's a lot..."

Charlie says, looking confused as his eyes scan over the plan.

"Let me explain to you. I know this is quite overwhelming-.."

Theodore starts explaining the plan.

"At first, we have to escape this house, which won't be easy since Barbara counts her pets every day..."

"Barbara? The old cat lady?"

Charlie interrupts.





"Now let me go on. Barbara is almost completely blind without her glasses. That means we have to steal them and build some kind of puppets of ourselves. She wont notice that quickly.."

"Why didn't you guys escape yet when it's that simple..?"

"See, Charlie...",

Theodore starts talking again, when suddenly a girl stands up and starts speaking.

"The thing is that we have no idea how to get past the security of the dumb portal room!!"

The girl says with an angry tone.

"Woah, woah, woah. I need context-"

Charlie yells into the room.

"The portal is the only way to get back to our world. We think that it's hidden in a building of the company 'Nine Lives Inc'. But we're not sure yet.. That's the thing."

Theodore explains.




Charlie was feeling hopeless after hearing that.

"Just- just imagine that we're in that building now. That leads us to step two,"

Theodore starts speaking again,

"elimination of the security or getting past the security."


Charlie screams.

"Yeah..? Anyways,"

Theodore goes on,

"we've been working on weapons."


"They have weapons too, Charles..."



"What kind of weapons...?"

Charlie asks Theodore.

"Pff, I don't know. But the police here already have every single weapon you can think of."

"So- sorry to interrupt, but why are we even here?"

Charlie interrupts again.

"Well, the government here decided that it's time to have pets. Then they opened the portal and send cats to kidnap us."

"How- how did they even know that we exist?"

Charlie asks Theodore.

"..We're still trying to figure that out..."

"So, someone probably has to escape this house and check the building alone. That's our first realistic step."

Theodore continues.

"And.. when will that happen..?"

Charlie asks.

"Soon. The guy over there volunteered for this."

Theodore points at a skinny man.
He waves at them.

"We just have to wait for the right moment..."

Suddenly, they hear the front door opening.


Theodore commands.

All of them rush outside the secret room. One of them pulls Charlie with them.

The people quickly put the bookshelf back place, and then go down on all fours. Charlie decides to just do what they do.

"HeEElloO my cutie piesss!!"

Barbara yells into the room.


Charlie wants to respond, but Theodore hits him. Seems like Charlie is not supposed to talk-

"Tall human! I bought you a collar!!"

Charlie's eyes go wide. Going with Barbara was a TERRIBLE desicion.

Barbara gets closer to Charlie to put the collar on.

"Your new name is Princess Pink Paws!"

Charlie was ready for his superhero origin story or something and instead got THIS...

He was sure his day was just going to get worse from here onwards.

The other people chuckle.

"You're so cute, Princess!"

Charlie just stares at Barbara, forcing a smile.

"I think I should give you a bubble bath, Princess Pink Pa-"


Charlie breaks his silence.

Barbara stares at him with big eyes. Then she starts speaking again.

"Okay, If you say so."

And she walks away.

All the people stare at Charlie with an extremely scared and worried look.

As soon as Barbara closes the door behind her, Charlie stands up and looks down at all the people.

"That was.. so easy.. Are you guys dumb or something? I- haha. Are you serious?"

"Charlie... You don't understand.."

"Oh- HAHA! This place is a joke!"

Charlie says loud while taking his collar of.

"Charlie- PUT THAT BACK ON!!!"

Theodore screams with a worried tone.

"Ohhh, shut up. I'm leaving. Anyone who wants can follow me!"

Charlie walks out the door that Barbara went through too.

"I warned you."

Theodore says.

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