Chapter 8 » Sharp Claws

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'Urgh, that was so easy.. Such idiots..',

Charlie thinks to himself,

'That was almost... too easy..?'

"Princess Pink Paws... Come with me, NOW."

Barbara suddenly stands in front of him.


He laughs out loud.


Suddenly, Barbara pulls out a taser-

And she tazes him with it.


[10 minutes later]

Charlie wakes up. He's tied to a chair. Looks like he should've listened to the others..


He shouts out.

Charlie sighs. He's wearing that embarrassing collar AGAIN. He looks around the room.

Wooden walls surround him, the carpeting underfoot providing a soft cushioning as he moves.

In front of him, a tiny lamp provides the barest amount of light for the small room, and beside that, a wooden door looms ahead, providing the only escape from this strange prison-like space.

Charlie waits, and waits, and waits, until the door suddenly unlocks.

Charlie remains still, holding his breath - he's not sure who this person is, or what they want...

The door swings open, revealing...


Charlie shouts as soon as he sees him. Theodore stares back, a hint of anger or sadness in his eyes.

Theodore starts talking, as he unties Charlie with a frown on his face.

"I warned you. I won't save you next time, Charlie."

"Yeah, yeah... Sorry. I should've listened.."

Charlie responses.

"Let's go out of here. Barbara probably has already forgotten that you're here-"

Theodore points at the door.

"Oh. Sure... Thank you."

They leave the room, making sure to be quiet.

Theodore goes down on all fours again, and so does Charlie.

And then, Barbara yells "I'm leaving for dinner! I'll be back in a couple hourssss!", as she leaves the house.

All the humans stand up and rush to the secret room.

"Uhh- What is going on?"

Charlie looks at Theodore

"Remember the guy that's supposed to look after the portal room? He's leaving now."

"OHH- Okay-"

Theodore walks to the secret room, and Charlie follows him.

They all sit at the round table now.

"Okay, guys. Hopefully we'll see again."

Everyone stares at the guy with thier eyes wide open.


"You're right, Sean.."

Someone else replies.

"Anyways, stay safe and stay positive. I'll be back in about one or two days!"

"Thanks, Sean. Stay safe too."

Theodore responses.

And then Sean leaves.

"Goodbye, fam."

'How dramatic..' Charlie thinks to himself. They act like he's about to go to war... A cat-astrophic war.

"Okay, now that we have time, we should get to know each other properly."

Some guy from the back speaks up.

"Yeah, sure. I'm Charles. I'm from Arizona.. in the human world."

"Ohhh, i'm from there too! My name is Liam. Nice to meet you."

"Well, i'm from Italy.. My name's Luciana."

"Hi Charles, i'm Matteo, the youngest here with 13."

"You're only 13? How long have you been here?"

Charlie asks Matteo.

"Only two months."

"Yeah, Charles - there are 23 of us, let's not get to know every single one; it's a waste of time..."

Theodore interrupts, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.

"Okay, I guess... What should we do?"

"We should get our weapons ready, craft your puppet, and prepare our escape. We should plan the escape carefully, because it will require coordination and precision."

Theodore replies to Charlie's question.

Charlie sighs.

"Okay, then let's do that.."

Two long days of eating dried food, drinking dirty water, and wearing the tight collar had passed. The taste of mold and filth, the smell of old dirt and sweat, and the irritating feeling of the collar around Charlie's neck was all beginning to take its toll.

And as Charlie and the others were just sitting in the secret room, trying to think up an escape plan and distract themselves from the hunger and exhaustion, the door suddenly swung open...

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