Chapter 3: Lovely Home

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A loud knock on the door shatters the peaceful ambiance of the house. I eagerly rush to open it, and there stands Samantha. Samantha looks stunning, with her long, flowing hair and a vibrant smile on her face.

"Wow! I must say, you both make a wonderful couple," Mrs. Valencia exclaimed with a smile as she saw us standing together at the doorway.

"Mom, please don't embarrass me in front of Samantha." I felt embarrassed by my mom's behaviour.

"Good morning, Mrs. Valencia," Samantha greeted my mom cheerfully.

"Please come in," as my mother invites Samantha inside.

As we enter the house, the savoury aroma of my mom's cooking envelops us. The house is plain but cozy, made of wood and cement. The living room is filled with lively chatter, and the dining table is where my family and I gather to eat together daily. The kitchen is where my mom's magic happens, and the backyard is full of lush greenery and a garden that my mom has tended to with love and care over the years.

Samantha's eyes gleam as she surveys the house. She compliments me on my home, saying,

"You have a wonderful home, Lennard. It's like it's a lively, happy house." Her words make me feel proud of my humble abode.

Samantha's gaze lingers on a piano in the living room corner, and she asks me if I know how to play it.

"Hey Lennard, do you have any experience playing the piano? It's just that I've been really into music lately, and I was wondering if you knew how to play. I've always found it fascinating to watch someone effortlessly glide their fingers across the keys and create such beautiful melodies."

I nod, and we sit down together. As I begin playing Liszt - Liebestraum No. 3, I close my eyes, and the music takes me to another world. I can feel the melody of the piano keys as if they are a part of me, and I am lost in the music. The whole room seems to come alive with the music, and I can sense that Samantha is enjoying it, too. As I open my eyes, I see her sitting beside me, her eyes shining, her lips curved in a smile, and her hair flowing gently in the breeze. At that moment, I wonder if this is a dream or if I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

I can only imagine how meaningful it must have been when you realized that someone had become the best part of all your days. And when you finally understood why poets write about love, I bet it was a truly unforgettable moment.

The moment was surreal as I gazed into Samantha's eyes, and time seemed to slow down. I had fallen in love with her and realized that I had been feeling this way every day. There were many reasons why I liked her. She had a way of making me feel happy when she was around, and her presence made me forget about all my worries. I couldn't help but wonder if this was what love felt like. I knew I needed her help because I was falling for her and didn't know what to do.

As I played a romantic melody on the piano, I mustered up the courage to tell Samantha what was on my mind. "Hey, Samantha, I wanted to tell you something," I said, my voice shaking slightly.

Samantha's expression was curious as she looked at me and said, "Yes, what is it, Lennard?"

. My gaze softened as I looked into her eyes.

"I wish we could stay like this forever, just talking and laughing together. But the truth is, I have fallen deeply in love with you. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat, and no other girl can compare. My heart is overflowing with love for you, Samantha. I just had to tell you."

As I finished my confession, I was surprised at my own words, unsure of how Samantha would respond. I quickly said, "I'm sorry, Samantha. I got carried away," and looked away.

But Samantha's response was not what I expected. She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, saying,

"Took you long enough," before smiling the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. I was overjoyed that she felt the same way and couldn't wait to see what the future held for us.

The melodious sound of the piano filled the air as my mother entered the room carrying a tray of snacks. The atmosphere was lively, and our conversation flowed smoothly. I couldn't help but hope that this moment would last forever. Samantha and my mother shared a laugh, and their joy was infectious. I felt grateful to have them both in my life, and I promised to protect Samantha no matter what it took, even if it meant risking my own life.

Suddenly, the blaring sound of the alarm clock jolted me awake, and I realized that it was just a dream but a memory. I could feel a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my reflection, questioning myself

"What happened to you, Lennard?" before finally falling back asleep.

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