Chapter 7: The Forest

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The University had organized a camping trip, and I was thrilled as it was my first time experiencing a camping trip. As someone from a wealthy family, I was excited to try something new and unique. I packed my bags ahead of time and woke up early to get ready for the trip. As we waited for the bus, the cold weather made me shiver, but I could feel the excitement in the air, and I knew my classmates were just as thrilled as I was.

As people began to group themselves and plan who would sit where on the bus, I started to feel anxious because I didn't know anyone on the trip. But then, out of nowhere, someone tapped me on my shoulder, and I turned around to see that it was Jasmine

"Jasmine!" I screamed as I'm happy to see her

I was overjoyed to see her, and she gave me a warm hug.

"Good Morning, Samantha, Let's be partners on the trip!" Jasmine offered to be my partner for the trip, and I happily agreed.

After a long and tiring four-hour round trip, we finally arrived at the campsite. I was eagerly anticipating seeing tents and a bonfire as I thought we would be camping for the night. But to my surprise, we were staying in a nearby hotel. While this wasn't what I had expected, I was still excited to be on this trip and experience everything it had to offer.

As we got out of the bus, I turned to Jasmine and said, "I thought this was going to be a camping trip."

"In modern times, when schools say 'camping trip', it usually means camping activities. The only difference is that we're staying at a hotel to be safer," Jasmine replied, noticing my confused expression.

I was disheartened because I had bought a tent for nothing. I quickly tried to hide my tent bag and threw it away so nobody would see. However, Jasmine noticed my quick movement and raised an eyebrow.

"Did you bring a tent?" she asked, with a hint of amusement in her voice.

I looked down at myself dejectedly and admitted, "Yes, I did."

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice behind me. It was Ryan. "Hey, Samantha, why did you throw your tent away?"

I turned around, a little disappointed that it wasn't Lennard. I replied, "Oh, it was you, Ryan. Yeah, that's mine," as he gently handed me my tent bag.

Jasmine comforted me and said, "Don't worry, Samantha. We can use it for backyard camping or hiking."

I smiled at her and felt thankful to have such a kind and caring friend.

As we walked to our room, Jasmine asked Ryan, "Hey, Ryan! Where is Lennard?"

"Oh yeah, Lennard is helping Hannah bring her stuff to her room. I'm going to get going. See you guys," Ryan replied as he walked away.

I couldn't help but feel a little heavy-hearted. I reached for my chest and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" Jasmine teased me with an annoying smile.

"Why would I be jealous? They are just friends. I've known Lennard ever since we were kids. He is a gentleman and a kind man," I said, trying to deny any feelings of jealousy.

We went into our room and prepared for our afternoon activity. Everyone was excited, including me. Despite my mixed emotions, I was determined to make the most of this trip and have a great time.

As we arrived at the field for our group activity, I could feel the excitement in the air. Everyone was gathering around, eagerly waiting for the instructions to begin. I too was excited and ready to take on the challenge.

Our instructor, a friendly and enthusiastic person, took charge and addressed us.

"Okay everyone, gather around. I'm your instructor for today's activity. The activity we are doing is called the Amazing Race. Our fellow student coordinator has set up each checkpoint in the place. It will be a pair of two people, and the one who finishes the race gets the points for the activity," said the instructor, as we listened intently.

Jasmine and I decided to be partners for the game, and we were eager to win. But then, out of nowhere, a voice called out

"Lennard, can we be partners for this game?" It was Hannah, and Lennard nodded in agreement to be her teammate.

I felt a pang of jealousy but tried to ignore it. I pulled Jasmine away, trying to hide my feelings.

"Hey Samantha, why the rush?" Jasmine asked, sensing something was off.

I couldn't help but admit to myself that I was a little jealous. Lennard and I were like strangers now, but I hoped that something would change.

Nevertheless, we all started the activity, and the adrenaline rush began.

Jasmine and I were competitive and eager to win the game. I considered myself to be competitive in anything. It was just a thing about me that I couldn't help but give my best in whatever I did.

Suddenly, as we were making our way through the forest, we spotted a wild pig in front of us.

"Jasmine, don't run! If we run, the pig will chase us!" I shouted, trying to assess the situation. However, the pig charged at us.

"Samantha, you told me the pig wouldn't chase us if we don't run!" Jasmine shouted, running for her life.

"I've watched countless National Geographic documentaries, but this one is different," I shouted, also running for my life.

We ran as fast as we could, and I noticed that the pig was no longer following us. I stopped and took a deep breath. "Okay, Jasmine, the pig is gone. Jasmine?" I looked around and realized that Jasmine was missing. I felt scared and vulnerable being alone in the dark, scary forest, unsure of what to do next.

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