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As the door creaked open, a man sat on a throne-like chair, giving off an aura of royalty in his office. He looked up as his assistant walked in, holding a file in his hands.

"Good day, Sir," he said, bowing respectfully. "I have the files you've been searching for, and I found your daughter, as well."

The boss's face lit up with relief.

"Great job! I need you to observe her further. I don't want my daughter to be influenced by the low class on the street."

Turning his seat to face the grand glass window, he asked,

"Mike, what's your plan for my daughter? I'm sure you're worried since she left this house."

Mike reached for a cigar and approached the father.

"Don't worry, Sir. I have it under control. She is safe inside the campus. Isn't that right, ____?" he called out, signaling to someone in the shadows.

A mysterious figure emerged from the darkness, his face shrouded in mystery.

"Don't worry, Mike. Let's execute the plan," he said, his voice deep and menacing.

Mike and the mysterious man chuckled with an evil laugh, thinking that their plan would work without fail.

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