Chapter 6: Sparks

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As the new year approaches, I can't help but feel a bit apprehensive about my upcoming date with Lennard. I contemplated backing out, but then I recall my mother's advice to be myself and boost my confidence. So, I repeat those words to myself to calm my nerves.

As I gaze up at the night sky, I can't help but marvel at the beauty of the stars. It's a cold night, and my skin is starting to feel the chill. I reach for my coat, but it's nowhere to be found. I must have forgotten it at home.


Suddenly, my phone buzzes, and I see a text message.

"I'm almost there, see you!" text message from Lennard

My heart starts racing as I realize how close our date is. I quickly start to touch up my makeup with some rouge, but as I'm doing so, someone bumps into me, and my rouge falls into the sewer. The person apologizes and runs away, as if in a hurry.

"I'm Sorry, Miss, I'm in a hurry." The girl apologizes and runs away, as if in a hurry.

As I stand there feeling disheartened after a day full of mishaps, all I want is a perfect New Year's Eve with Lennard, the guy I like. Despite all the setbacks, I still feel excited to see him, hoping that everything will go well. Suddenly, I hear a gentle voice calling my name from behind, and I turn to see Lennard standing there, looking as handsome as ever. He greets me with a warm smile, and I can't help but feel a flutter in my chest.

"Hello, Samantha!" he says, his voice sounding like music to my ears.

However, I feel too embarrassed to face him because I don't think I look my best.

"Why are you facing that way?" Lennard asks, confused.

I feel my face flush with embarrassment, and I can't help but feel mortified.

"I'm sorry, Lennard. I don't feel confident enough to face you like this," I reply, feeling my cheeks burn with shame. I close my eyes and count to ten, trying to steady my nerves.

As I open my eyes, I see Lennard standing in front of me, his eyes full of concern. I feel embarrassed and try to hide my face with my hands, but Lennard gently takes my hands in his and pulls them away from my face.

"You don't have to hide from me, Samantha. You look beautiful no matter what," he says, his words making me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

Feeling a surge of confidence, I smile up at Lennard, feeling grateful for his kindness.

"Thank you, Lennard," I say, my words full of sincerity. "You always know just what to say to make me feel better."

As we walked down the street under the night sky, the chilly breeze made me shiver. I noticed people staring at me, and I couldn't help but wonder if I was dressed a bit too revealing. Suddenly, Lennard, who was walking beside me, took off his coat and draped it around my shoulders.

"Here, Samantha, it's better so that you don't catch a cold," he said with a warm smile.

I thanked him and touched the coat covering me, feeling a sense of comfort and security. I couldn't believe how different Lennard was acting. He was usually grumpy and serious, but now he was holding my waist and guiding me as we walked. With every step we took, my heart fluttered, and I blushed as I looked at him. He was handsome when he smiled.

We decided to explore the city and ended up eating street food at a nearby vendor. The aroma of different cuisines filled the air, and I couldn't decide what to eat. Lennard, who seemed to know his way around, suggested some of his favorite dishes, and we both enjoyed our meals.

Afterwards, we watched some street performances by talented artists, which were truly captivating. We clapped and cheered along with the crowd, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment.

Finally, we went to a nearby river where everyone had gathered to watch the upcoming fireworks show. We found a spot to sit and waited excitedly for the show to start. As we watched the colorful explosions light up the sky, I realized that this day was perfect. Even though my day started with chaos, everything was okay as long as I was with him.

As the New Year's Eve countdown began, Lennard and I eagerly awaited the fireworks display. We were spending this special moment together, and it made it even more memorable. The sky was dark, and the air was filled with excitement and anticipation. As we looked up at the night sky, I noticed Lennard was staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked as I reached up to touch it.

Lennard gently held my hand and looked into my eyes. He said,

"Samantha, I have tried to spell 'love' in so many different ways, but somehow the letters always end up being your name."

His words took me by surprise, and I was speechless. I felt my heart beating faster as I tried to find the right words to say. "Why Lennard, you are so sudden," I replied with a smile.

I felt a mix of joy and embarrassment at his words. His confession was unexpected, but it also filled me with happiness. As we watched the fireworks explode in the sky, I couldn't help but feel grateful to be spending this moment with him.

Lennard took my hand and pulled me towards him, gently touching my face with his warm hand. He looked at me with sincerity and asked,

"Samantha, will you take the next step with me? Will you be my beloved girlfriend and spend the rest of your life with me in this chaotic world?"

The sky was filled with vibrant colors, and the atmosphere was magical- it felt like we were in a movie. I gazed into Lennard's eyes, and I knew that my answer was yes.

"Yes, Lennard. I want to spend the rest of my life with you in this chaotic world," I replied, holding his hand close to my cheek.

Our bodies were close, and the happiness we both felt was palpable. We moved closer and closer until our lips met in a soft and gentle kiss. It was a moment of pure bliss, and I felt relieved and happy that the man I wanted was Lennard.


As I stood at the bus station, waiting for my ride to arrive, I couldn't help but smile as I thought back to the last New Year's Eve that Lennard and I had spent together. We had shared a magical evening together, full of laughter, love, and hope for the future. Even now, as I stood alone at the station, I felt my heart fill with warmth at the memory of that special night.

As I looked around at the other people waiting for their buses, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the time that Lennard and I had spent together. Despite the challenges and obstacles that we had faced in our relationship, I knew that I couldn't give up on us. I believed that there was still hope for our future together, and I was determined to do everything in my power to make it a reality. As I boarded the bus and settled into my seat, I closed my eyes and whispered a silent prayer, asking for guidance and strength in my journey ahead.

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