Chapter 9: Ace Player

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I can't help but reminisce about the past, especially the incident from last school year. Despite the obstacles, I'm now entering my fourth year of college, and I've learned the importance of persevering, even in uncertain times.

Despite the physical distance, my feelings for Lennard remain strong. I'm committed to supporting his aspirations, even if we can't be together. The pain I caused him was more intense than I anticipated, which is why I maintain my distance whenever I see him. I want to shield him from further hurt, but I'm unsure whether revealing the past would mend or worsen things.

Today is intramural day, yet I don't feel the usual excitement. As I stroll down the corridor, I collide with Jasmine, who is engrossed in conversation with Haru.

"Hey Samantha, over here!" Jasmine excitedly waves at me from across the campus courtyard.

"What's going on, Jasmine? You seem so hyped about the intramurals," I inquire, feeling somewhat down.

"Haven't you heard? Lennard and Ryan are going head to head in a basketball match in our section! Can you believe it?" Haru exclaims with wide eyes and a big grin.

I had no idea that Lennard could play basketball. He was always so reserved and seemed to just doze off during most of our high school years.

"Come on, Samantha! We don't want to miss any of the action!" Jasmine eagerly pulls me along, and we head toward the gym.

As I step into the gym, a group of towering men catches my eye. Suddenly, one of them calls out my name.

"Hey, Samantha!" he greets me with a warm smile.

Not recognizing him, I respond cautiously, "Uh, hi. Who are you?"

Realizing his lapse, he extends his right hand and introduces himself, "Oh, sorry. I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Hanz."

"Samantha!" Jasmine's voice rings out from across the room.

"I have to go. The game is about to start. See you around, Samantha," Hanz says as he walks away.

Puzzled by how he knows me, I wonder why he would recognize me. I'm not even famous. As he heads off, he glances back and flashes a charming smile at me.

"Samantha, you are the luckiest girl in the world, did you know that?" Jasmine giggles.

Perplexed, I inquire, "Why am I the luckiest girl?"

I don't know, Jasmine. He's just a regular guy to me," showing no interest.

We take our seats, and I see Lennard on the court, warming up. I want to say hi, but then a familiar face approaches him.

"Wait, is that Hannah?" Jasmine asks.

I see Hannah walking over to Lennard and handing him his drink with a warm smile and engaging in lively conversation. I can't help but wonder if there's something more than just friendship between them. Despite feeling a pang of disappointment, I don't want to jump to conclusions or cause any unnecessary drama. I decide to stay and focus on the game, hoping it will take my mind off things. Just as I'm trying to immerse myself in the match, I stand up and suddenly hear my name being called from the other side.

"Samantha, this game is for you!" Hanz's voice rings out, accompanied by a charming smile that captures everyone's attention.

"Take a seat, Samantha. Let's just enjoy the game and root for Hanz - I mean, our team - to win," Jasmine says with a giggle, clearly taken with Hanz.

I observed Lennard with a scowl on his face, indicating that he had overheard Hanz's remarks and was clearly displeased.

"This is going to be quite interesting," Haru remarked with an excited smile, eagerly anticipating the unfolding of events.

Lennard took off his glasses and his jacket, and it was hard not to notice how much he had transformed - He's FUCKING HANDSOME!. I've known Lennard since elementary school, and I've always known he's tall and good-looking, but it seems like he's really been hitting the gym. Oh no, why am I staring at him like that?

"Who is that guy? He's so handsome," someone exclaimed from the back.

"I never knew we had another cutie in the school; it makes me want to get to know him more," another girl giggled.

As the comments continued, I could feel my frustration building. "Hey, focus on the game will you?" I burst out with frustration.

"Sorry, are you the guy's girlfriend?" the girl asked.

My brain suddenly stopped for a minute as I pondered my response.

"Uhmmm, we're just friends," I said, lowering my tone.

I sat, covering my face with complete embarrassment. Why did I do that, Samantha? That is embarrassing. Who am I to talk to them like that, not knowing that Lennard and I are just friends?

The basketball game had already begun, and I couldn't believe how well our team was holding its own against the school's top player. I glanced at Lennard, who was usually competitive, but I'd never seen him take the game this seriously. Had he changed during the years I'd been away? I couldn't shake off this feeling of worry.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, the score was 62-60 in the 4th quarter, and Hanz's team was leading by 2 points. Our section's coach called for a timeout, and I watched Lennard pushing himself to the limit. I couldn't help but feel concerned; he wasn't known for being particularly athletic. However, from the way he was performing, it seemed like he had reached a whole new level, and I found myself impressed.

"I think someone's feeling a little jealous," Haru teased.

I glanced at Lennard with worry, and he met my gaze with a determined expression, as if he was set on winning. Suddenly, Hanz approached Lennard.

"You know, Lennard, I'm impressed. You should consider joining the varsity. Also, is Samantha single?" Hanz taunted, trying to get a rise out of Lennard.

Lennard didn't waver. "Don't push it. If you want Samantha, you'll have to get through me first," he confidently challenged Hanz.

I was taken aback by his words. Was this really the same Lennard I knew?

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