Chapter 5 New Year Chaos

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The day started with beautiful, sunny weather that made everyone feel excited about the upcoming New Year's celebration. People were busy preparing to spend the last day of the year with their loved ones, enjoying each other's company and cherishing the past year's memories.

As I woke up, I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the thought of how to spend the entire day. As I reached for my phone, I saw a dozen missed calls from Lennard that made me remember our date before the New Year. I felt slightly embarrassed for forgetting it, but I quickly dialled her number.

"Lennard, I just got up from my bed. I'm so sorry I forgot about our plan," I said apologetically.

"It's okay, Samantha," she replied, laughing. "I'm a little busy with my schedule today, but maybe we can hang out tonight if that works for you?"

I agreed, relieved that we could still spend time together that day. As Lennard hung up the phone, I let out a scream of excitement. I couldn't wait to see what the rest of the day would bring. Were you going on a date with Lennard? Do you imagine that Snuggles? Snuggles are the cute little teddy bear that Lennard gave me. As I continue to jump, I stop for a minute and think. What's the perfect outfit for New Year's Eve and a date for him? As I think

I immediately called out to my maid, "Maria!" and she arrived promptly, asking,

"Ms. Samantha, is something wrong?"

I replied, "MARIA! What's the perfect outfit for going out on a date!"

I covered my face with a pillow, trying to contain my excitement. Maria was surprised and asked,

"Date, Ms. Samantha?"

We both started thinking about the best outfit for me to wear and walked in circles around my room. We discussed different styles, colours, and accessories that could make me look stunning. Finally, Maria suggested,

"Ms. Samantha, why not check your closet to see if there's something you can find?"

I smiled in relief as Maria offered to help me with my closet. I had been stressing out over finding the perfect outfit for my date with Lennard. As I opened my closet, I realized I had a dozen outfits, all jumbled up. I couldn't find the perfect outfit, and my anxiety started to escalate. I began to overthink and worry that I wasn't good enough to impress Lennard, imagining him staring at me with disappointment and leaving me behind. Frustration mounting, I bumped my head against the wall, feeling discouraged and hopeless.

Maria quickly pulled me out of the pile of my outfits and asked, "Ms. Samantha, are you alright?"

She noticed my confusion and immediately started organizing my closet. She slapped me gently and said,

"Hold yourself together, Ms. Samantha. It's not the end of the world." Her words of encouragement made me feel a little better.

Then, a sudden idea struck me. "That's it!"

I pointed my finger up, feeling inspired.

"I need to buy a new outfit, a perfect one." Without wasting any time, I quickly grabbed my phone and called my friend Daizy for help.

"Hello, I need your help. Can you meet me at the mall?" I confidently declared to Daizy over the phone.

I arrived at the mall feeling more confident, knowing my plan for a perfect date would succeed. When I saw Daizy, I ran up to her and hugged her excitedly.

"Daizy, my friend, I need your help. You know, having a perfect outfit for a special occasion?" I said to her.

"Special occasion, or are you going out with the guy you liked?" Daizy struggled with my tight hug.

I nodded, looked down at the floor, and said, "I just want a perfect outfit for our date." My confidence began to falter as my mouth turned into a sad face.

"Fine, I'll help you, just for you, Samantha." Daizy smiled as I hugged her tightly again.

"Please, Samantha, no hugging. You're killing me." Daizy struggled again to breathe.

We were on the hunt for the perfect outfit, but our shopping trip turned into a disaster. The mall was packed with people, and the lines were so long that it was hard to see the shops. We searched high and low, but every store had multiple lines. Finally, overwhelmed and exhausted, Daizy and I decided to take a break and sat on a bench to catch our breaths.

"I don't think it's worth it, Daizy. These lines are way too long, and it's already getting late," I said, feeling hopeless.

Daizy replied, "If we had come earlier, the lines wouldn't have been this long."

As I stood there, feeling disappointed and discouraged, I couldn't help but think about how I had messed things up. I had taken too long to get in the shower, pick an outfit to wear, and the traffic on the street had made me late. I couldn't shake off the feeling that it was all my fault.

As I walked home alone, my mind raced with negative thoughts. I was afraid that maybe Lennard didn't find me attractive or that he wouldn't appreciate who I was. What if I made an excuse and said I was sick? But then Lennard would come and check on me. What if I told him I had an accident? But again, Lennard would check on me. What if I was kidnapped and never showed up again? The possibilities seemed endless, and I felt doomed as I rolled over and over on my bed.

Suddenly, my mom entered my room, and her presence was comforting.

"Dear, are you okay?" she asked with concern.

I couldn't hold back my tears any longer and responded in a soft, gentle, crying voice,

"Mom, I'm sorry. I can't help but overthink what will happen later."

I explained everything to my mom, hoping she could help me make sense of my emotions.

"Oh, sweetie, you don't need to be perfect; the most important thing is to be yourself. If the guy you love doesn't appreciate you back, then he's not the man for my daughter because my daughter is the most beautiful, sweet, kind, and lovely girl I have ever had," my mother said as she patted my head and gently stroked my hair.

I felt a sense of relief wash over me as my mom's words sank in. Knowing that I didn't have to be perfect and that being myself was enough was comforting. The fact that my mom believed in me and saw me as a beautiful, sweet, kind, and lovely girl gave me hope.

"Thank you, Mom. You're the best," I said as I hugged her tightly.

"Besides, I have the best outfit just for you," my mom added with a smile, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for her unwavering love and support.

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