Chapter 11: It's been a long time

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As I sat in class, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of my stomach. Despite the clear and bright sky outside, and the warm sun that filtered in through the windows, I felt heavy and uncomfortable.

To my surprise, Lennard, was seated next to me. I wondered if fate had brought us together, and whether it was a sign that something was about to happen.

As the class went on, I found myself distracted by the memory of Hannah, a girl I knew from school, hugging Lennard in front of me. I had always hoped they were just friends, but the way they had looked at each other had filled me with a slow-motion feeling of dread.

I found myself bumping my head on my seat countless times.

"Samantha, are you okay?" I heard him ask me, his voice filled with concern.

"What? Me? I'm good, don't worry," I replied, feeling embarrassed by my clumsiness.

It was then that the professor interrupted our conversation. "Ms. Samantha, the principal wants to see you," she said, her voice stern and businesslike.

Lennard and I exchanged confused glances. What could the principal possibly want with me? I had a sinking feeling that this was going to be a long and difficult day.

As I make my way down the corridor towards the principal's office, I can feel my heart racing with anticipation. I can't help but wonder what I did this time to warrant such a meeting. It seems so random, and my mind starts to race with possibilities.

Could it be because of that incident from last school year when I got lost in the forest? I hope not. The memory of that experience still sends shivers down my spine, and I'd rather not relive it.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door, my hand shaking slightly with nervous energy. As I slowly push the door open, I'm greeted by a warm smile and a familiar voice.

"Hello, dear. How are you?" Lovely woman voice asks, her eyes sparkling with affection.

Wait a minute, mom?






As I hugged my mom tightly, I felt a sense of comfort and safety. It had been four long years since I had last seen her, and I couldn't help but feel emotional as I held her close. Her perfume was fragrant, and I breathed it in deeply, trying to capture the moment in my memory forever.

"How have you been dear? It's been a pretty long time," my mom asked me with a smile.

"I'm fine, Mom, trying my best," I replied, feeling a sense of relief that she was finally here with me. As I looked into her eyes, I could see the concern that she was trying to hide.

"Why are you here, Mom? How did you know that I was here?" I asked her, feeling a bit confused.

"Don't worry, your father didn't know that I'm here. For sure he is very worried about you," my mom said, her voice filled with worry.

"I don't believe you, Mom. Father is a selfish man, you know that. He will focus on his business rather than on his own blood," I said, feeling a sense of bitterness towards my father.

"Don't say that, dear. He is still your father. I know what happened. I'm sorry I didn't know how Lennard is," my mom said, her voice gentle and soothing.

"He's fine, I guess. I don't know what to do. I tried everything that I could, but my efforts didn't reach him. It was all my fault, Mom," I said, feeling tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"It's not your fault, dear. I know you. You are the most gorgeous, sweet, and kind-hearted person that I have ever known. I'm lucky to have my daughter, and no one will ever replace her," my mom said, her words filled with love and affection.

We spent a long time talking, catching up on what had happened in the past few years. My mom even took me to the nearest café in campus, and we shared stories and laughter. As she gently put her coffee down, I could see the worry in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Mom?" I asked, feeling a sense of concern.

"Your father will do everything to have you back. I'm a bit concerned. When will you come back?" my mother asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I don't want to go back, Mom. I want Lennard. I do. I want to try," I said, my voice filled with determination.

"Well, since I can't convince you here," she handed me an envelope, and I was shocked to see that it was full of money.

"I'm going back to the States in a couple of days. Be careful, okay? Call me when you need my help. Also, be careful. I think your father knows you're here, or someone is spying on you," my mom said, her voice full of concern and worry.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll be okay, I promise," I smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards my mother for her love and support.

After the café, my mom hugged me one last time before leaving. As I watched her walk away, I felt a sense of sadness wash over me. However, I knew that I had to be strong and keep fighting for what I wanted. I decided to walk for a bit, lost in my thoughts until I found myself standing on the rooftop of the campus. Tears started to drop from my eyes. It couldn't be...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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