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I'm so proud of us, Hannah," I said, panting as I tried to catch my breath. I was admiring what we had accomplished, and my heart was filled with joy and excitement.

"We did great today, Lennard, but next time let's not run," Hannah replied, laughing as she regained her breath. I couldn't help but chuckle at her comment.

Ryan and Haru arrived shortly after us, and they both seemed exhausted. "Hey, Ryan, it's odd that you're tired, especially since you're an athlete," I commented, curious about his sudden exhaustion.

"We heard screaming from afar, and Haru thought it was a ghost. I didn't want to be left behind in the woods," Ryan explained as he caught his breath. Haru added, "Yeah, it sounded like a wolf or something. We weren't sure."

"Look!" Hannah pointed out that someone was running towards us, and to our surprise, it was Jasmine. She looked terrified and was running for her life.

"Help!" Jasmine screamed, as she ran towards us, her face filled with fear.

"I'll save you, Jasmine!" Haru extended his arm, expecting to catch Jasmine, but she ran straight past him and hugged Hannah instead.

"Aww, that kind of hurt," Haru said as he fell to the ground, and Ryan laughed.

"Why were you running, Jasmine? Did you hear the ghost too?" Hannah asked, trying to comfort her.

"Me and Samantha were just walking when we saw a wild pig. The pig chased us, and we ran as fast as we could. I didn't notice that we got separated," Jasmine explained, looking scared and worried for Samantha.

"Wait, Samantha is alone in the forest?" I was shocked because I knew that Samantha was always scared to be alone since we were kids. As I looked towards the dark woods, filled with scary things that I couldn't even imagine, my concern grew stronger, and I let go of my pride.

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