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Two months later...

The sounds of chirping birds woke Hermione and her eyes slowly opened as she stretched herself out in her bed, sighing when her back seemed to 'click' and she snuggled further into the warmth of her blanket as she stared between the small gap in the curtains and out the window. It seemed that day was going to be cloudy with showers, but she didn't mind; it reminded her of Britain.

It had been two months since finalising the details of her move from Britain and now she had been in her new home for a week. She was assigned the location of Beacon Hills, a known hell-mouth for supernatural beings, and seeing as most of her time would be spent on the place, she'd decided it would be easier to just move there. She didn't exactly work for the RCMC Department per se, but she was to report to them if she came across a series of killings and she was to be the one responsible for finding the culprit and obtaining it, if not, killing it.

The job allowed her freedom to continue with her research into magical and supernatural beings, as well as working the hours she wished to and getting paid handsomely for her efforts. And she was her own boss, too. She had no one watching for her to make mistakes, or to follow her around asking for photographs, interviews and autographs. She had no restrictions either, as long as she complied with the laws, she had full control over how she dealt with a situation or case. She just had to remember to turn in her report to the American RCMC Department, so it would be accessible in case it was needed for future reference.

It had taken little time to get her affairs sorted and once she'd said her goodbyes to Harry and The Weasleys, she packed up and moved as soon as she could. She'd found a little rundown cottage in a clearing in the middle of the woods and happily snatched it up, enjoying the fact that it was a fixer upper, but with the aid of magic she'd done so in only two days, and it had taken her even less time to decorate it.

It had the essentials of a kitchen and living room, a bathroom and it had two bedrooms and she'd cast an Enlargement Charm on the building in order for her to add another two rooms, a potions lab and a library.

In the week that she'd been in Beacon Hills, no strange deaths had occurred and nothing had drawn her attention, so she'd spent most of her time in her cottage, reading and brewing potions, and the rest of it exploring the expanse of woods. She hadn't really met anyone since her move, but she didn't think she would with being so far away from the other residents of Beacon Hills. She liked the solidarity; she liked the quiet, but even she needed human interaction, and all she had for company were Crookshanks and Magic, her cat and newly adopted puppy.

Hearing a quiet barking, she peered over the side of the bed and laughed at seeing the little pup sat down with his tail wagging and his floppy ears down on his head. She leaned over and picked up her new pet and settled him on the bed, laughing when he bounded over to Crookshanks who was asleep at the end of her bed. The old, grumpy cat wasn't impressed at being woken and he hissed at Magic and swiped at him with his paw. Magic only yipped and bowed his back with his tail swishing in the air, wishing to play.

Hermione chuckled and shook her head. "Magic," she called softly and the little puppy turned and bounded over to her, jumping up onto her stomach and licking at her face.

It had been her first day in Beacon Hills when she'd been driving down the road and almost ran over the little puppy. She'd skidded to a stop and jumped from the car, immediately chasing him through the woods until she caught up to him. She was able to get close enough to him that she could take him back to the car and take him to the vets. She hadn't seen a collar on him and he'd been dirty, and despite being scared, he had a lovely nature so she was sure he belonged to someone, so she took him to the vets to get him scanned for a microchip.

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