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Hermione saw the shocking red hair and the mop of messy black hair before she even heard their voices carrying in the wind, and she took a moment stood behind a tree to observe the two intruders who had no right to be looking for her.

"We're lost," Harry sighed.

"No, it's around here somewhere, Jenson gave us the general location of her address, she's definitely here."

Hermione ground her teeth and clenched her hands into tight fists. Jenson was responsible for keeping the records of the employee's of The Ministry private. There were very few people that were allowed access to such records, one of them being The American Minister himself. Jenson had broken rule number one; don't give out the information of an employee unless there's permission from The Minister to do so. She knew The Minster wouldn't have allowed such a thing, so she knew Harry had used his fame and name to get access. When she was done with Harry and Ron, she was going to make it her personal mission that Jenson was fired for breaching her privacy.

"Ron, we're not going to find her."

"We are, she can't be far," he protested.

Hermione took one final calming breath before she put her hand in her pocket, feeling the safety of her wand wash over her before she stepped out from behind the tree.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

They both spun around and Harry almost tripped over a fallen branch behind him. Their eyes widened and their mouths dropped open as they stared at her stomach.

"I asked you a question."

They were both able to close their mouths and they moved their eyes back to her face, anger and hatred written as clear as day across her features.

"It's true, you are cheating on me," Ron spat.

Hermione laughed at him. "I've never once been unfaithful to you, I didn't fall pregnant until after I broke up with you and called off the wedding and it's the best decision I've ever made."

"My mother was right about you," he sneered.

"Your mother's just as deranged as you are. What did you think? Me moving here was just me trying to prove a point? That I was just being a naughty little girlfriend and I would soon come to my senses and come back to you? Is that what you thought? If you did you're not as smart as I thought you were. I'm not yours, I don't belong to you. I want nothing to do with you, Ronald. You're a horrid human being," she said coldly, before she turned her eyes to Harry.

"And you, I warned you what would happen if you spilled my secret and as you know I'm a woman of my word. The-Boy-Who-Lived? Well, let's see if you survive what your bitch of a wife will do to you when she discovers the truth."

Harry paled dramatically but he sent a glare her way and she spied Ron gripping his wand in his hand and his face turning red, a sign his anger was about to boil over.

"What you did to me is unforgivable."

"I was good to you. I could've easily found someone better but I chose you."

Hermione scoffed. "I think you'll find I chose you. You're a spiteful little man and I hate you for everything you did to me. The belittling, the abuse, the making me feel bad about myself, sabotaging my contraceptives, I could have you arrested for that, it's both an act of domestic abuse and a sexual offense. How will you con some poor woman into marrying you and having your devil spawn when you're on the sex offenders register?"

"You were never good enough for me," he snarled. "I've had women far more beautiful than you throwing themselves at me."

"And you didn't turn them away, I'm not stupid Ronald, and they were likely gold diggers or prostitutes. No one in their right mind would want to marry you; you're a hideous human being and if the press caught wind of how you treated me, your life would be over. Even if you leaked the news of my pregnancy your press coverage would be greater than mine, isn't that something you've always wanted? Imagine, Ronald Weasley, war hero and Harry Potter's best friend arrested and charged with domestic abuse and sexual offenses. I can just see the headlines now."

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