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The next day flew by for them both, Derek accompanying Hermione and Magic on a hike through the woods and when they returned to the cottage, he kept Magic company while Hermione locked herself away in her library refusing to let Derek see what she was working on until it was completed.

The sun had not long since set and the stars came out for the night, and Hermione's plans were to have dinner, get changed into her pyjamas and snuggle up in front of the fire with a book, but Derek had other ideas.

"Derek, I don't want to," she all but whined as he pulled her through the cottage and to the door by her hands.

"Come on, let's go,"

"I don't want to," she repeated. "I'm hungry and tired, I just want to relax."

"I promise you'll change your mind when we get there." She pouted at him. "Do you trust me?" He asked her.

She sighed. "Yes, I trust you," she answered honestly and a small smile pulled at his face at her admission.

"Then trust me now, I have something I want to show you, but you'll need a coat."

Her eyes searched his hopeful expression before she sighed, giving in. "Fine," she muttered, pulling her hand from him and turning to go to her bedroom.

After she slipped on a warm woollen cardigan and a jacket over the top, she put on her knee length boots and returned the living room, where Derek was stood by the door with his hands held behind his back. When she approached he smiled at her and showed her his hands, revealing a blind fold. She eyed him warily.

"You're definitely not a serial killer?" She questioned.

He snorted at her. "I don't want you seeing anything until we get there," he told her. "And so we get there quicker, you can do your teleportation thing to my car."

"Fine, let's go," she sighed.


"You better not let me fall over," Hermione spoke.

After apparating to Derek's car, he'd quickly tied the blindfold around her eyes and helped her into her seat, buckling her seat belt for her before he started the engine and they were off. After fifteen minutes the car came to a stop, Derek exited and returned a few minutes later and he put something into the boot of the car, before he restarted the engine and continued driving.

After twenty minutes the car came to a stop and despite her constant questions, Derek had been tight lipped about their intended destination. He helped her out of the car, retrieved something from the boot and with his arm wrapped around her waist, he guided her in her movements.

"I'm not going to let you fall," he spoke. "We're almost there."

"You've been saying that for the last ten minutes," she replied.

"This time I mean it, now watch your step, there's a bit of a slope coming up."

She let out a noise of impatience but one hand came up to grip at his hand on her hip and she allowed him to direct her in their steps. She had no idea where they were, if only that they were outside. She could feel the cool evening air on her skin and the ground beneath her feet was uneven.

"We're here, just give me a minute and don't move," he told her, halting her to a stop and she felt him step away from her.

It was a few minutes later when the sound of shuffling and things being moved ended and she felt Derek's presence once more. He came up behind her, pressing his chest to her back and his arms encircling her, his hands coming to a stop on her stomach.

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