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Hermione watched and waited as Derek's wounds slowly knitted back together and his body healed for nearly an hour, until she could no longer take the silence in the room or his non-moving and unresponsive state, and she stood from the bed and went into the bathroom.

She closed the door behind her and moved to stand in front of the sink where a mirror sat above on the wall. She watched her reflection, seeing her features lined with exhaustion and worry, seeing her eyes looking red from the effort of holding back her tears.

She'd been terrified when she saw him so badly injured, absolutely terrified that he'd leave her and she would have to raise their baby on her own. The thought of having to do that on her own scared her, but she knew that as time went by and no matter how hard it was, she'd learn to do so without help. But that didn't mean it was her preference. In all honestly, she didn't want to do it alone. She wanted as much support as she could get. She wanted her baby to have people, parents that loved him or her as much as possible. She wanted someone to help her raise her baby and to help protect them, and she knew that Derek would do and was doing all of those things.

The thought of losing him scared her so much she actually felt nauseous. So what if it'd only been a few weeks? He was an important part of her life and they were doing their best to work together and to support each other and the baby. She couldn't get the sight of him out of her mind. To her Derek was strong and confident and untouchable, but the sight of him laying unconscious on the bed and covered in blood and wounds showed her how wrong she was. He was a werewolf, but he was also human and he could get hurt just like she could. He wasn't indestructible.

Her stomach coiled in fear and she brought a hand up to rest against her covered stomach, still flat and without any outward sign of pregnancy, but she knew it wouldn't be that way for much longer.

Her baby could've very well lost their father before they were even born and would've been left with just her for family.

Tears welled in her eyes once more and this time she didn't bother trying to stop them from falling, she needed a good cry to get all of the pent up fear and worry out of her, otherwise it would consume her.

Hermione moved sit on the closed toilet seat, she hunched over on herself, buried her face in her hands and sobbed.


He was aware of soft brushes against his skin, of a warm hand holding his gently, of a soft voice murmuring to him, and all of it helped him to grab onto reality and pull himself back to the present.

His eyes slowly opened, his vision clear and staring up at a cream coloured ceiling. The first thing he realised was that the bed he was on wasn't his own, the second was that he was in the motel room he'd been staying in the last few days, the third was that he felt rested, and the last thing was that he was no longer in pain.

He remembered what'd happened, he remembered James half dragging, half carrying him back to his car and driving to the motel, and he remembered collapsing onto the bed, after that point there's nothing. And the likely reason for that being that he'd passed out while his body healed. He wasn't sure how long he'd been out but when he pushed himself into a sitting position and he looked down at himself, it was to see himself clean of blood if but for a few dried spots, and his body was free of injuries.

He looked to the radio sat on the table across the room, seeing that it wasn't long after four o'clock, but he was surprised to see the date. It was only the day after? How was that possible? Given the damage he'd taken, his body would've needed a few days to properly heal, but as he stood from the bed he didn't experience any pain, any dizziness or any discomfort. He ran his hands over his face and body, checking for any wounds that might not have fully healed, but he couldn't find any.

WolfbloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora