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Hermione froze and Derek did the same beside her, before she let out a groan and her head tipped forward.

"Brilliant, just what I need," she sighed.

"This is my last warning, step away from the body and put your hands in the air!"

Derek let out a grumble from beside her before he slowly stood to his full height and turned around to face the one that had caught them. He supposed he probably should've listened to Magic's warning, but then, because of his barking he hadn't heard someone approaching as the loud sounds had drowned out everything else.

"Sheriff," Derek spoke coolly.

Hermione groaned once more, it wasn't just a police officer, but the bloody sheriff as well! Only she would have that luck.

"I should've known I'd find you here," the sheriff replied.

Derek shrugged his shoulders and slipped his hands into his pockets. "I don't go looking for bodies."

"No, you just find them."

"Actually, the dog found it," Derek said, gesturing to the barking dog with his head before he let out a growl and Magic quickly settled down.

"Step away from the body!" The sheriff spoke and Hermione didn't have to look to know that he had a gun trained on her back, and she felt Derek's presence flare up around her protectively.

"How else am I supposed to examine the body?" She replied, not looking at him and keeping her attention on the body.

"You're not,"

"Sheriff, I suggest you lower the gun," Derek interrupted her before she could retort. The tone of warning in his voice was unmistakable and his body tensed, his hands clenching into fists in his pockets at trying to contain his wolf. "I won't be held responsible for anything that might happen."

"You know I'll arrest you."

"I do, but I don't care. My wolf isn't taking kindly to you holding my girlfriend at gun point."

Even she heard the sheriff falter slightly, and she wondered why everyone had such a reaction to finding out she was his girlfriend. It wasn't that farfetched, was it?

When she heard heavy footfalls she turned to look over her shoulder, briefly catching sight of the middle aged man with brown hair and light brown eyes, before two familiar teens came into view. They both came to a stop beside the sheriff, one of them perfectly fine, the other leaning over with his hands on his knees and his breathing coming out in pants.

"I told you to wait for me in the car," the sheriff told him.

"You know I never listen, Dad," Stiles panted.

Hermione blinked in surprise, before she shook her head. Well, now she knew where Stiles got his interrogation skills from.

"Hermione!" Scott spoke, his eyes widening and darting between her, Derek and the body.

"Hey, Scott, Stiles," she replied with as big a smile as she could manage, given that she was on her knees with her fingers stuck inside a dead teen's body.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," she replied.

"Lower your gun or I won't be able to control myself," Derek interrupted, a growl wrapping around his words and the teens' eyes widened when Derek's eyes flashed blue.

"I'm fine, Derek, he's not going to shoot me."

"You don't know that," he replied, keeping his eyes on the sheriff.

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