Chapter 6 ~ Needed a Minute

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    I thought by the time it was lunch I'd be exhausted but the classes were pretty easy. I'm used to AP class but instead they put me in normal classes. According to my Math teacher the guidance counsellor will try to fix my classes but apparently I shouldn't get my hopes up. They have limited opinion so that means limited Ap classes. But to be honest I don't know if I want to switch, I don't exactly hate the easy classes, it gives me a chance to not care about my classes, for once in my life. Henry was right I pretty much had all or at least one of the guys in all my classes so far. I had pretty much all the guys in English, Henry, Luke and Mason in Math and Zach in science. Once science was done Zach has to use the bathroom and I reassure him I can find the cafeteria and I'll meet him and the guys there. Making my way down the hall it's almost pretty much empty with everyone already going to lunch. Putting my books in my locker and grabbing my purse, a hand pushes my looker closed. A strong smell of axe fills my nose "why hello gorgeous."

Turning around there's a blonde guy towering over me. He's blonde with brown eyes, he's at least 5'10 to 6 feet. He's pretty but the smile he's giving me doesn't really sit well with me. Something about his eyes makes me uneasy as well, it's almost as if there nothing going on back there. "I haven't seen you around here. So you must be the new girl I've heard so much about, how about you let me show you around." He leans closer so his mouth is near my ear "I'll make it worth your wildest dreams."

Using one arm to hold himself up agonist the locker he uses the other to rub my arm and gives me a wink. Pushing his arm away from me "I'm okay, I already have someone so I don't need your help."

This guy clearly doesn't understand personal space because he gets the little bit of hair by my face and twirls it around. "Oh and who would that be?"

"Me, jackass." He turns around and I go up on my tippy toes to look over his shoulder. Jessie is standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Oh thank god." Pushing away from the strange guy I start to walk over to Jessie but I'm stopped when the guy grabs my wrist. Tightly, what's this guys problem. He went from creepy guy to holding my wrist like I'm Harry Styles and he's a crazed fan.

"Ohhh even better" the strange guy pulls my wrist tighter that makes me fall into him. He takes advantage of this and wraps his arm around my upper chest/ neck area "got a problem jessie boy? I was just trying to be friendly with our new student. Wouldn't want her to be lonely, would we?"

Jessie jaw twitches "come on Alex don't be a dick, just let her go." Ahh so this is Alex, he is a douche monkey. While a second later Jessie scowl turns into a wicked smile "or do I have to make you?"

I'm still close enough to tell that his statement made Alex nervous but he quickly masks it with a board look. "Whatever, I'm leaving anyway. But if your ever feeling lonely, call me." He lets me go and I move out of reach, he gives me a creepy smile and turns around and walks away. I wonder what his problem was? And whatever it was he definitely has a issue with Jessie.

I feel a hand graze my should and I jerk it away "hey you okay, Alex is insufferable but I'd avoid him." Jessie leans down and picks up a purse. My purse? I must have dropped it when that asshole was touching me. I didn't even notice.

"Thank you" I grab my purse and fling it over my shoulder. Great, now I'm starting to feel annoyed and irritated. Looking back at Jessie "where the door to the parking lot?"

He's clearly confused on why I was asking but still he points to the door down the next hallway that Alex just walked out of. I thank him and move past him and fast pace walk down the hallway making a beeline to the door. "Woah we're you going so fast?"

Not bothering to answer I push open the doors and check the parking lot. Once I don't see Alex I walk to the back of the parking lot to we're Henry parked. I go behind the truck and sit on the back bumper and pull out my pack of smokes.
"Thought you were wearing a patch."

Not In The Same WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora