Chapter 9 ~ I mean I like her

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The last two weeks were slow. Everyday it was wake up, school, homework and hanging out with the guys and Katie. It's been pretty boring compared to my old life. Although the whispering about me has finally died down but the pity looks we're still hanging around. Which sucks, But what was really pissing me off was that it seemed almost as if Jessie was avoiding me. He would hang out with me with the guys around but wouldn't respond to my texts or when Henry would leave the room leaving us alone, Jessie would jump up and follow him into the next room.

At the moment it wasn't talking up that much space in my head. Mrs. Mcload, the English teacher had signed an essay on the first book for English due this Thursday before thanksgiving break. I'm sitting at the kitchen table trying to write up a ruff draft when I notice William talking a seat across from me. I gave him a smile "hey bud. How was your sleep?"

"It was okay but I had a hard time falling asleep." He takes a couple bites of cereal "what are you doing up early?"

"Oh I'm always up early. I just usually hang out in my room but I have a paper due this week and I couldn't focus in my room." I put my hair up into a high ponytail, to get the hair out of my face.

William looks at me like he's trying to figure out a math problem "mom says you're really smart and that in your old school you took a bunch of advanced classes and you skipped a grade."

I place my pen down and look back over to William "what's the question William?"

He tilts his head "I just don't understand, from all the stories grandmas told me I just didn't think you'd care about school."

God, that woman clearly doesn't like me. I can imagine whats she's said about me "school was something my parents took really seriously. So when I did well I'd get their attention and rewarded. So I made sure that my grades were the best of the class."

"And what would happen if you didn't do good."

I lean my head back and rest it on the top of the chair. Closing my eyes I let the memories play through my head "let's just say I only let it happen once and it was enough to make sure I'd never let it happen again."

"Mom always said that's it's only important that I tried. Although I thinks it's important that I always do the best." The big grin on Williams face tells me he doesn't fully understand but I can't help but smile. I'm glad that his parents aren't the same as mine and that he'll never have to know.

"Yeah your mom is the best, isn't she?"

William shrugs his shoulders and go back to his breakfast "I mean I like her" I can't help but grin, god this kid.

I go back to writing my essay and after a little while aunt Christina strolls into the kitchen humming a little tune. She wearing light wash jeans and a white top, this seems to be a common outfit for her. Jeans and a basic top, compared to my mother she dressed way more casual and it fit her better. She must have not been expecting us to be awake because once she sees us she looks almost surprised. She comes up behind William and kisses the top oh his head and smiles at me "good morning you two! How did you sleep?"

We both mumble a good but William is to contracted on his cereal to have a full conversation. "Oh Christiana I made a pot of coffee, it should still be hot. I hope you don't mind."

Christina moves towards the coffee maker "oh no I don't mind. This is your home to Cher, you're allowed to do what ever you want."

I smile at her and go back to my essay after a couple of minutes Christina pulls out a chair and sits beside William with a pot of coffee. "So I was thinking and you can totally say no but I thought it would be fun if you'd come work at the bakery with me today. Only if you want too tho."

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