Chapter 11- It's yours

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Jessie's house was huge. Does everyone out here live in massive houses? Once we pulled into the long drive way I could tell the style of house. While Christina and jacks house was an older farm style home, his was totally different. It was a modern style farm house, everything was sleek and new looking. It was nice, it reminded me of some of the homes in Toronto but it was defiantly weird to see it out here. We get out of his truck and he walk to the door and unlocks it. The inside was just as neat as the outside, looking around the entrance "your house is nice. It kind of remind me of home." It was odd, it didn't have a homey feel at all. It barely looked lived in and I think that's what reminded me of my old home.

Jessie takes off his shoes and waits for me to do the same "yeah my dad hired some builder from Vancouver, so it's pretty modern." Once my shoes are off he shows me towards the kitchen and open the fridge "do you want anything? I do only have water, juice or beer."

I hop up on the counter "nope I'm all good" looking around there's not a whole lot of photos or sentimental items anywhere in sight "you're over at ours often?" Not turning fully away from the fridge Jessie acknowledged me by mumbling a 'yeah' so I continue "are your parents home often?"

Jessie stops for a second but turns to me "my dad lives in Vancouver but comes down occasionally. His practice is out there so he doesn't really have time to come out here often."

"And your mom?"

I can feel the hurt in his eyes when I bring his mom up. He closes his eyes for a second "she died when I was eleven. Breast cancer"

I hop off the counter and close the distance between us and hold his hand "I'm sorry about your mom."

Jessie lets go of my hand and rubs a hand over his face "I don't really like taking about it."

I grab his hand so that he would look at me "then let's not talk at all" once again he doesn't look sure "please."

He reaches over and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder "then let's go to my room princess." With a smack to my ass we were making our way up the stairs to Jessie's room.


Birds chipping is what alerts me that it's morning. I open my eyes, the sun was shining through the window lighting up the whole room. Still in bed I look around the room trying to take everything in that I didn't notice last night. The room was big and clean, nothing was out of place but yet it still screamed Jessie's. from the guitar on the opposite side of the room, to most of the things in the room being black, and even the pictures over his dresser of all the guys. I look over at Jessie still fast asleep, he looked very peaceful. His breathing very slow and his chest rising slightly. "You don't have to stare princess."

His eyes are closed but he's clearly not sleeping anymore. I roll my eyes and roll over in the bed so that he was facing my back. I reach down and grab a shirt on the floor and through it on. I turn my head to the side to look at him, he's now holding his body up with his elbow staring at me "I like your room."

Jessie scoffs and lays back down "yeah I like it too, it's the only room that I got any say in what it looked like." I lay down with my head on top of his chest. He looks over to me "you look good in my shirt."

I look down and notice that I was in fact wearing his shirt and not my own. I smile at him "sorry, I'll change into my clothes and give it back."

Jessie's hand moves to my hair and starts playing with it "nah it's cool, I don't really like that one that much anyway."

I fiddle with the bottom of the shirt "well then thank you." We lay there for a while taking in each other. I look over to his nightstand and notice the time. "Holy fuck it's already 10am, I have to go."

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