3. | The Prey

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Odd. That's all I can think is how odd that encounter was. I left the coffee shop without my coffee, without my muffin. Without everything except my journal that I swore I wouldn't take with me to run, but I'm kind of glad I did anyways. As odd and strange that encounter was, I found it intriguing at the same time.

    Is that bad? He had an air around him, like... the type of aura that would drive you in just to stab you with a knife to your gut. Like I said... odd.

    Regardless, I pull my cell phone to my ear then after dialing Scarlet again.

    "Where are you?" The voice came over the phone in a panicked whisper. The panting that she breathed through the speaker would've portrayed some sort of worry for me, but I know better. She's pissed, therefore she was in the- POW POW POW... in the shooting range.

    I yanked my phone away from my ear and gasped lightly. "Jesus Letty, put down the ammunition when you're on the phone. You're gonna shoot someone!" I suggested through the phone in a yelling whisper. Looking back around me before pressing the phone back to my ear again.

    "Sorry... Chief Anderson is here today doing inspections and you're late... AGAIN!" She exclaims loudly before the gun goes off two more times before I hear the clashing of the gun to the cabinet at the end of the range.

I sighed softly. "Chief Anderson loves me. It'll be fine-"

"No... Cat... you don't get it." She pauses and it makes me slow my paces. "He's here with General Jakub." she says with a pant. My eyes widen as she utters the name. I was dead stopped in my tracks then. My body stiffened and my lips parted slightly.

    "He.." I pause as I go over the words over and over in my head. Pressing a hand to my forehead. "I'm sorry, I know I heard you right-"

    "Yeah, so get here... Now, Cat." The phone then hangs up... and it takes everything to tear my feet from the position where I stand. My phone is still against my ear before slowly letting it back down again once realizing that she hung up. Clicking it to lock and shoving it back into my pocket.

    "Fuck.." I whisper in a soft groan before picking up my pace and running towards the house and back towards my car.

. . .

    I arrive at the gates of the base in my work out clothes, yeah. I know. I'm getting screwed by the one person I don't want to be screwed by... and no not in the good way. I stop at the dropped down barricade and began to roll the window down. Handing the MP on duty my ID card.

    "Mrs. Davis-" God- it's Evan..
    "Rosenblad. Please, Evan geez." I said quickly before waving a hand at him to dismiss his acknowledgement. "This is the job to shut traps and move us along so please just-" I roll my hand in a circular motion to make him hurry up a little.

Desperation. That's what this is.

    He chuckles as he processes the card in the booth building before walking back out and leaning his shoulder against the car. His arms crossing over his chest and looking forwards towards the base, but still holding me up.

    "You know he's here, right?" Evan says with a small smirk.

    "Yeah, yeah I know. I'm late to a meeting, can I go please?" I just need to get past Evan, and as always he's taunting me again. This was a routine pattern with him.
    "With...?" He says as he looks towards me through the window. My face telling him all he needs to know, and he backs up off of the car with a chuckle and he raises his hands in a motion that basically said hands up, don't shoot.

    "Alright, alright. Just be sure to clean up after yourselves, k?" He laughs as he lifts the barricade and swiftly hands me my ID card back. I narrow my eyes at him and with a shake of my head, I roll the window back up and floored it into the base's interior, leaving skid marks for Evan, specifically, to clean up simply to spite that asshole.

Chasing Catalina | Book One: Worshipping AshesWhere stories live. Discover now