8. | The Darkness

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The morning, and myself, rises with the sun along with the opening of the coffee shop. Rebecca allows the golden rays of the 6am sun beam through the opening blinds in the windows. A smile on her face indicating her secrets and lies that hid underneath it all, it was repressed.. I may not be down there yet, but I can feel the tension in her body from up here.

That was when I heard the doors be thrown wide to welcome the weary souls seeking respite from the chaos of urban life. As the first light of dawn kisses the surface of the ocean, the shop awakens from its slumber, stirring with the anticipation of the coming day.

Inside, the air is thick with the rich aroma of freshly ground coffee beans, their earthy scent mingling with the tantalizing promise of sugary pastries and savory breakfast sandwiches. The room hums with the gentle murmur of conversation, a symphony of voices that rises and falls like the flow of the tides on the water nearby.

I willed myself up from the comfort of the sheets. Silk sliding from my skin to the mattress beneath me as I leaned over my knees at the edge of the bed. Running my hands through my curls as I stared down at the hardwood floor of the studio apartment just above the coffee shop. The sun beating through the window just to the left of the bed, illuminating a golden glow on the desk where Catalina's journal sat... a pen pushed into the spine as a bookmark. It was like God was reminding me of it.

"Thanks... I guess." I shrug my shoulders as I speak with that groggy voice that is layered like a gravel road. I sigh and stand to my feet, grabbing the journal in my hand and opening to the last place I was reading and skimming the last line again. This fault of hers that she claims to desperately.

The fault is far from yours, angel.

I close the journal again and lay it back down on the table. Picking up the white tee shirt that sat on the edge of the desk. Pulling it over the myriad of scars on my chest. Each one a testimony of anything ranging from a battle to the casting out of paradise itself. The wounds in my back still burn from time to time, today being one of those times.

I push my feet into the shoes that were sitting next to the door and pull the door open to allow the voices of the filling coffee shop bounce off of the walls and into my eardrums.

Behind the counter, the baristas work in harmony alongside Rebecca, their movements fluid and precise as they dance between the gleaming espresso machines and frothing pitchers of steamed milk. With practiced skill, they craft intricate designs atop each latte they serve, transforming mere beverages into works of art that dazzle the eye and tantalize the palate.

The tables are filled with a colorful array of patrons, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of their smartphones and laptops. Some sit alone, lost in thought as they sip their drinks, while others engage in animated conversation, their laughter ringing out like chimes in the breeze.

Despite the pace of the morning rush, there is an underlying sense of serenity that permeates the atmosphere. A feeling of peace and contentment that washes over the patrons like a gentle wave. Here they find solace and sanctuary, if only for a fleeting moment, before venturing back out into the bustling streets beyond.

It was comforting, really. Watching these simple creations come in and give their everything to Rebecca just for a cup of something that gives them a sense of peace. I am genuinely happy for her progress here. Though it helped some, a little advertising from me was all it took. Took less than a day from the moment I stepped into this run down establishment. I knew that it would be great and I was right. A simple snap of my fingers, and a couple of favors thrown around, you can do anything.

    I descend the stairwell just as Rebecca turns away from the cash register. Immediately making eye contact with me and freezing for a moment. Her eyes were wide and her skin crawled with goosebumps. Which prompted me to stop my descent as well with furrowing brows and a curious smile.

Chasing Catalina | Book One: Worshipping AshesWhere stories live. Discover now