7. | The Prey

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The walk home was miserable. I had to walk five miles in the pouring rain and without an umbrella or anything of the sort. I should've driven up to the coffee shop, but I figured I could've stayed there and dried off and whatnot... I didn't think it'd be closed. Well, "closed".


The feeling of his fingers against my palm lingered still. The electricity that plunged through me at the very moment he took my hand was magnifying and I couldn't shake it. Something about it just... ruined me.

I'm not one for overthinking, but even now I'm standing in the rain at my front door, just letting the rain wash over me. Hoping that it washes away the thoughts, the feelings and far more importantly... the scent of the man at the coffee shop.

Get your head out of your ass and walk in there.

I took in a deep breath, getting a handle on my emotions before nodding to myself and reaching up for the door handle, twisting it and pushing it inwards. Making myself force my emotional turmoil to the depths of my gut for now. The bottle of my trauma, pain, and many more spilled over at this point, but I was caught off guard by the darkness of the interior of my house. I took a cautious step inside before I reached for the back of my jeans, a memory of someone telling me that they would be surprised if I wasn't carrying at least three guns on me at all times. They were right, I was. I pulled the 9 mm out of the holster and held it down but at the ready. Each step was taken with caution as I stepped forwards through the hallways.

"Babe?" I called out, second guessing my initial idea to call out for Alistair. It was too late now. I followed the silence as I passed through the hallway, a dim glow coming from the living room that flicked and danced back and forth. Of course my mind immediately jumped to the worst.

"Crap-" I muttered softly as I took three large steps in a run into the living room with my gun held up and ready to fire... but I froze at the sights that laid before me.

Our entire collection of candles were lit, the wax falling to the surfaces of the tables and cabinets that they perched on. My gun slowly lowered as I locked eyes with the man standing amidst the candle light wearing a black suit that fit him just right. A silver colored button up underneath the black suit jacket peaked out at me.

My brows furrowed lightly as water dripped from my clothing and my hair.

"What..." I breathlessly spoke as I tore my attention from Alistair to the candles and the ambiance that he had obviously set for this moment. "What is all of this?" I whispered over breathless emotions that spilled from my lungs.

I couldn't breathe, this was way too much.

"We have had our ups and our downs... our rollercoaster ride is neverending." He began, and I was starting to think that maybe this wasn't really alistair. He was sweet, yes, but this wasn't ever his forte. My brows furrowed as he continued, "But I never want to get off of that ride with you... Because it's ours." He nodded as he took a couple of steps towards me, yet I couldn't protest. Hell I couldn't fucking move at all.

I looked away from him down to his hands that took mine. The warmth of his skin warmed my entire body as he smiled down to me.

"I'm going to get you wet- I should maybe.. Just go change."

"No... no I wouldn't dare stall this moment." He said as he reached up with one of his hands and dragged his fingertips across my forehead gently pushing soaked hair from my eyes. Tucking those rogue strands behind my ears. Silently demanding they obey his positioning.

Chasing Catalina | Book One: Worshipping AshesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin