Unexpected • 3

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"Fuck you bitch!" Adam yells at Eve, who was laughing at his wife's death. "We told you it be painful, but not that she'd die!" Eve giggled.

Adam was devastated, he felt hurt, grief, and anger. He wished that he could help his wife, it hurt him seeing her in pain.

"Looks like you'll have to fuck one of us to have a baby then, huh?" Lilith teased as her and Eve walked away from Adam and Lynn's lifeless body.

Adam placed his head onto his wife's stomach, just wanting to feel her warmth and touch one last time. He broke down and began to cry more as he layed in his deceased wife's lap.

Everything he had within a few years, gone. His wife, his bestfriend, lover, and his child within minutes. Adam picked up her head to look at her face.

"I'm so sorry, love." He said as he rested his forehead onto his lovers. "I didn't know this would happen, I- it's my fault." He broke down.

"I love you so much."


"Welcome, first soul." A tall, angelic woman greeted Lynn at the entrance of a bright and golden area.

"Hello, where am I?" Lynn looked up at the woman, confused. She didn't know where she was or what would happen.

"Welcome to Heaven, my name is Sera, the Seraphim of heaven." Sera brought her hand out, Lynn hesitated for a second but took her hand as a pair of angel wings and a hall appeared above her head.

Lynn looked down at her new self, her hair now longer than before and now bright white. Her hair had a wavy texture to it. She looked up at her head now seeing her halo.

"What are these?" Lynn pointed to the halo that floated above her head. Sera giggled and touched her wings, "This is a halo, you are an angel." She says. "Come with me, princess of heaven."

"Princess?" Lynn looked up confused, Sera laughed again and began to walk with Lynn's hand in hers. "You are the first soul in heaven, therefore you are technically the princess of heaven." Sera says.

Lynn walked with Sera up to a beautiful pair of golden gates. As soon as Sera waved her hand infront of the gates, they opened.

"Sera, umm. Who was that woman I saw?" Lynn asked, Sera looked down at the girl confused but then realized who she was.

"Oh, honey." Sera chuckled, "That's La, she's a very important woman." She said. Lynn kept walking with Sera thinking of more questions to ask.

"Will I see my husband ever again?" Lynn asked. Sera turned to her, "It depends on where he goes, it's either Heaven or Hell." She explained what the two were.

"Lucifer? The name sounds familiar." Lynn says. Sera and Lynn soon reached a beautiful castle-like structure, they walked through the ancient building until they got to a certain room.

"This is where you will live for the rest of your time here. A princess deserves a nice room right?" Sera says.

Sera opened the doors for Lynn, revealing a beautiful room with ancient architecture. Gold pillars layed everywhere with windows in every wall.

"Sera, this is gorgeous." Lynn looked around in shock, Sera chuckled and waved her hand to open a door to another large room, "Why don't you take a look at your new appearance?" She says.

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