Sugartits • 5

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Lowk spoiling you guys today with THREE updates.

thank you for the support so far! 💛


"Okay, let us sing the ABC's!" Lynn smiled at the children sitting on the fluffy clouds at the daycare. A small little boy raised his hand to ask Lynn a question.

"Yes, Liam?" Lynn pointed at the boy, Liam smiled, "Have you ever wanted a kid?"

Lynn widened her eyes at the little boys answer, and she thought about her death. Lynn ignored it for now but answered the little boy since he was just being curious.

"Yes, I wanted to have a child with my husband back on earth, but didn't end up having one." Lynn smiled.

"Ooo! Miss Lynn who was your husband?!" A little girl raised her hand but blurted out the answer before she even got picked on.

Lynn went to answer, but realized she couldn't remember.

'His name?'

'Gosh, what was his name?' She kept thinking.

Realization hit her when she couldn't remember his name. It's been so long that she completely forgot her husbands name. She believed he ended up going to hell, since she never saw him in heaven.

"Haha, okay enough questions children." Lynn tried to turn the topic, "Let's sing all together now!" She said.

"A, B , C, D, E , F, G." Lynn sang as the children followed her, all reading along on a small cloud that would shape into the same letter. She smiled as the children sang.

"Lynn Morningstar?" A man approached Lynn from behind and tapped on her shoulder, the kids kept counting but Lynn stood up from her seat and looked up at the man.

"Yes, Sir Rament?" Lynn recognized the man as one of her coworkers, Rament looked at her with a serious face, Lynn noticed.

"Hey children, I will be right back. Miss Emily will help continue your song." Lynn smiled at Emily to take her seat as she walked out of the room with Rament. The both of them walked into another room which was empty.

"Is everything okay?" Lynn asked Sir Rament, as he shook his head and looked down.

"We have a couple issues, the first one is the Cherubs got away." Rament said as Lynn gasped and covered her mouth.

"The second is, Sera needs your presence in the council office... for a serious reason." He says.

"Of course, I'll be on my way immediately." Lynn quickly grabbed her purse sitting on a small counter and began to rush out the door.

"Gosh, I hope it isn't bad." Lynn jumped in the air and began to fly towards the council building. She landed perfectly at the entrance and rushed in.

"Everything alright?" Receptionist Jozef asked as Lynn ran right past him, she felt bad but Sera needed her urgently.

She ran up to the office door and opened it quickly to reveal a tired and nervous Sera and the same tall rude man from a week ago layed back in his chair drinking lemonade.

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