Radio and Rings • 10

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Charlie, Lynn, Lucifer and the rest of the hotel members stood at the bar, Charlie and Vaggie sat on the couch, while Husk worked behind the counter. Lynn and Lucifer sat on the barstools, right next to Angel and Sir Pentious. All of them were listening to Charlie's story.

"And then he said, 'See you in six months!'" Charlie said, referring to the meeting she had with Adam and Lute. Little did Lynn know, as soon as she stopped listening to the singing, Adam had threatened Charlie.

"He said what?" Lynn placed her apple juice on the table, Charlie raised a brow, "Yeah, we're you not listening?" Charlie asked.

"Nono, he isn't coming here is he?" Lynn said.

"Uhm, I think he just head he will see me in six months." Charlie said, Lynn began to get angry, her hair started to fly upwards and her eyes turned fully white.

"Hey, hey, calm down." Lucifer put a hand on his sisters shoulder, trying to get her to calm down. "Watch yourself." Lucifer said sternly, Lynn listened to her older brother returned to her normal appearance.

"He isn't going to do anything to you guys, I'd make sure of it." Lynn looked over at her brother with a look of determination. "I'm sorry for all of this." Lynn placed her head in her hand, with her elbow on the bar.

"It isn't your fault, Adam is just an asshole." Lucifer said comforting his sister, "And I know he won't mess with Charlie, she's my daughter after all." Lucifer chuckled.

"I've only known Adam for a little, and I'm pretty sure he will do anything he wants." Lynn said, lifting her head and looking at her brother. Lucifer looked away for a minute, remembering when Lynn and Adam were married, and the fact she had forgotten about him. Lucifer looked back at his sister and smiled, "Then he has to go through me." Lucifer's eyes glew red, quickly returning to their normal color.

"I need a minute to relax, please excuse me." Lynn politely said, getting up from her barstool. She walked away from the group with her apple juice still in her hand. Now walking through the halls of the hotel to cool off.

"Id like to apologize my dear," Alastor's voice startled Lynn as she dropped her glass to the ground, slowly turning with a smile. "It's quite alright, you were only protecting them." Lynn smiled.

"I never knew that the king of hell himself had a lovely sister in secret." Alastor smiled at Lynn, walking closer until he stopped infront of her, "And my word, you are absolutely gorgeous." Alastor picked up Lynn's hand, lightly leaving a kiss on it.

"Thank you, Alastor. It isn't a suprise that Lucifer had family, hm?" Lynn asked. Alastor and Lynn began walking together in the hallway, continuing their conversation.

"I assumed who I heard it from was lying, maybe you only being a family friend. But seeing you in real life has verified to me that indeed you are his relative." Alastor said, "You two look completely like twins."

"Haha, he's actually my older brother, half brother to be exact." Lynn explained, still walking next to Alastor, "He has two parents, I have only one." Lynn said.

"Explain that to me darling, Id love to hear more." Alastor said, Lynn chuckled and continued, "Lucifer has my mother and God as his creators, while just my mother is my creator." Lynn said.

"So, you are a complete copy of your mother? She must have to be delighted to have such goregous genes to give her daughter." Alastor smiled.

Lynn smiled back, she felt fine talking about her family to Alastor, she never really told anyone about her family since nobody dare spoke about Lucifer in heaven.

"Yes, I look exactly like her too." Lynn said, "All besides the eyes and the pink cheeks, I'm just my mother." Lynn said.

Lynn and Alastor turned a corner, at the end of the new hallway was a door to a balcony they both walked towards. Lynn bent over the railing of the balcony, looking over the city which she was supposed to be investigating.

Lynn thought about her conversation with Alastor for a minute, realizing her hadn't asked him a question she needed too.

"Who did you hear it from that Luci had family?" Lynn asked looking over at Alastor.

Alastor chuckled, "Never talked to your brothers ex-wife?"

"Lilith? Me and her did not get along well on earth, so I'm confused on why she is talking about me." Lynn said, "She wouldn't even let Luci visit or even talk to me for centuries."

"Oh, Lynn darling. It all makes sense now." Alastor said, Lynn raised a brow and turned towards Alastor, "What do you mean?"

"You were a human." Alastor said. Lynn nodded to his reply, "Yes, I had passed away due to childbirth, I then became the first human soul in heaven." Lynn explained.

"Well darling it was wonderful getting to meet you," Alastor picked up Lynn's hand and gave it a quick kiss, "But I must be getting back to some of my duties. I'll see you soon." Alastor vanished into a black liquid, leaving Lynn with a raised brow.

Lynn shrugged it off, leaning over the railing again to look at the sinful city. She picked up her hand and looked at the golden ring that hugged her finger. Lynn placed her hand out and then looked over the city, bringing back thoughts she had always believed over the years.

"I will find you one day, my love." Lynn said, picking her dress up and heading back into the hotel and back to the group.

SORRY for the no updates, I've been with family this week so it's been a little hard to squeeze in some time for writing. Enjoy this filler chapter though!

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